
React+Nodejs News portal web app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web application that shows a tile-based news portal.

Each tile provides real-time teaser information of a different category and get its data from a different API.

The tiles are: News, Weather, Finance, Sports, Subscribe.


The motivation behind this project was to build a web application that connects to third-party APIs and displaying the data with beautiful UI using the modern web frameworks that are used today for client and server side - ReactJS & Node.js.





Tech/framework used




  • News updates - the news updates tile displays the latest news break update teaser. Clicking on the tile will show more info about the article in the modal window with a direct URL to the full article. This tile updates every 10 minutes.

  • Weather - this tile displays the current weather conditions in my city. Clicking on the tile will display a weekly based forecast. This tile updates every 4 hours.

  • Finance - this tile displays the Nasdaq stock market line chart using the chart.js library. This tile updates every 5 minutes.

  • Sports - this tile displays the current score of five live football matches. This tile updates every 10 second.

  • Subscribe - users can subscribe to news portal using their emails. The subscription is limited per browser session.

Code Example

Connecting to third-party API and emitting the JSON result to the client using socket


const axios = require("axios");
const { WEATHER_API_KEY } = require("../config");

const WEATHER_API_URL = "https://api.tomorrow.io/v4/weather";
// current weather data, daily forecasts for the next 5 days
const ENDPOINTS = [

const CITY_NAME = "ashkelon";
// possible units of measurement
const UNITS = {
  METRIC: "metric",
  IMPERIAL: "imperial",

const queryParams = {
  location: CITY_NAME,
  apikey: WEATHER_API_KEY,
  units: UNITS.METRIC,

// function that gets the JSON result for current weather, 5 day forecast from Tomorrow API and emit it to client
const getWeatherFromApiAndEmit = async (socket) => {
  // making concurrent API requests
    ENDPOINTS.map((endpoint) =>
      axios.get(endpoint, {
        params: queryParams,
    .then(([{ data: weatherResponse }, { data: forecastResponse }]) => {
      const customResponse = {
        currently: weatherResponse.data,
        daily: forecastResponse.timelines.daily,
      // emitting a new message. It will be consumed by the client
      socket.emit("Weather", customResponse);
    .catch((error) => console.error(`Weather Error: ${error}`));


Running in development environment

git, npm and node softwares should be installed
before moving on
  • git clone https://github.com/dimakol/news-portal.git
  • cd news-portal/
  • npm install - installing the node modules at server folder.
  • cd news-portal/
  • npm install - installing the node modules at client folder.
  • cd .. - returning to the root folder of the project.
  • creating .env file like .env.example file in the root of the folder and setting your API keys instead of the 'your_api_key'
  • npm run dev

API Reference

Deployed to Render




MIT © Dima Kolyas