TinyMCE Dropzone Plugin

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This plugin uses Dropzone library for drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.

This plugin is compatible with TinyMCE 5/6 and Dropzone 5.



npm i @dimakorotkov/tinymce-dropzone --save

You can install dropzone and tinymce from npm

npm i dropzone --save
npm i tinymce --save



TinyMCE editor

Configure your TinyMCE init settings by adding external_plugins and usage of dropzone:

  external_plugins: {'dropzone': '/your-path-to-plugin/@dimakorotkov/tinymce-dropzone/plugin.min.js'},
  toolbar: 'dropzone',
  dropzone: {
    js: '/path-to-dropzone/dropzone.min.js', //required path to dropzone js
    css: '/path-to-dropzone/dropzone.min.css', //required path to dropzone css
    action: '/path-to-upload-action', //required path to upload action
    files: [], //optional existing files
    //title: 'Files', //optional button tooltip and dialog title
    //icon: 'upload', //optional button icon
    //okTitle: 'OK', //optional OK button text
    //removeTooltip: 'Remove', //optional tooltip for remove file button
    //downloadTooltip: 'Donwload', //optional tooltip for download file button
    //insertLinkTooltip: 'Insert link', //optional tooltip for insert link button
    //insertImageTooltip: 'Insert image', //optional tooltip for insert image button
    //removeConfirmation: 'Links to the file will be corrupted.', //optional text for remove confirmation dialog
    //config: {} //optional dropzone config

File format

Files array in config must contain objects with these properties:
name - filename,
url - url for downloading file,
thumbnail - url for downloading thumbnail,
type - mime type.

Server side script ("action" in config) must return an object with these properties in json format.

License - MIT