This code base is merely a continuation of the DrJava code base formerly hosted at Sourceforge. We decided to shift from Subversion to Git for two reasons. First, Git is more flexible (and complex) than Subversion. Second, and more importantly, Git appears to be the preferred repository and version control system among software developers and our upper level students are more familiar with Git than Subversion. This repository also includes the unreleased pedagogic IDE for Scala called DrScala, which we will release as soon as we can persuade the Scala developers to fix a serious bug in the :require REPL command which we use to dynamically add new paths to the REPL class path. We will continue to distribute new releases of DrJava via Sourceforge to preserve our distribution interface. The move from Subversion on Sourceforge to Git on Github only concerns DrJava developers and others interested in the DrJava code base.