
Python Instagram Bot that sends messages. Ability to send messages using a proxy server to avoid a ban.

Primary LanguagePython


Python Instagram Bot that sends messages. Ability to send messages using a proxy server to avoid a ban.


This project has a few functions:

  • Proxy connection
  • Instagram authorization
  • Send messages
  • Save info about sent messages in .csv format

Needed tools to run script:

  • Proxy server
  • Created Instagram account
  • Google Chrome
  • Chromedriver in respect to your Chrome version. Download it and put in project's folder.
  • Python Libraries:
    • Selenium (pip insatll selenium)
    • Pandas (pip install pandas)


Just run the main script (python main.py) with your proxy-server settings and Instagram login data. Change message text and usernames list you want to send message. Pay attention on keeping sleep time after some actions in Instagram. It avoids you to be recognized as bot.