A hybrid (SSG + SSR) example application (Marketplace)

Demonstrations of the Next.js with React 17 features support (new JSX transform / getStaticProps and getServerSideProps Fast Refresh). And my React.js skills :)


How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example cms-strapi cms-strapi-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example cms-strapi cms-strapi-app


Step 1. Set up Strapi locally

Follow the instructions on this page to create a Strapi project locally.

npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart
npm run develop # or: yarn develop

This will open http://localhost:1337/ and prompt you to create an admin user.

Step 2. Install GraphQL for Strapi

Inside the Strapi directory, stop the server, install GraphQL, and restart the server:

# If using Yarn: yarn strapi install graphql
npm run strapi install graphql

npm run develop # or: yarn develop

Step 3. Create a Vendor collection (In next release the Vendor entity will moved to a separate micro-service with self DB)

From Content-Types Builder, create new collection type.

  • The display name should be Vendor.

Next, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):

  • Text field called title (Short text)
  • Rich Text field called description (Multiple-paragraph Text)
  • Enumeration field rate (the values should be simple and extra)

Then click Save.

Step 4. Create a Product collection (In next release we will use the PIM system like the Pimcore for improve manage of product variations and will moved to a separate micro-service with self DB)

From Content-Types Builder, create new collection type.

  • The display name should be Product.

Next, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):

  • Text field called title (Short text)

  • Rich Text field called description (Multiple-paragraph Text)

  • Media field called image (Single media)

  • UID field called slug (attached field should be title)

  • Relation field called vendor (Product has one Vendor) Relation

  • Enumeration field status (the values should be enabled and disabled)

Then click Finish and Save.

Step 5. Set permissions

From Settings, Users & Permissions, Roles, edit the Public role.

Then select: count, find, and findone permissions for both Vendor and Product. Click Save.

Step 6. Populate Content

Next, select Products and click Add New Product.

  • I will recommend creating at least 8 Product records.


  • Use dummy data for the text.
  • You can write markdown for the content field.
  • For the images, you can download ones from Unsplash.
  • Pick the Vendors you created earlier.


  • Set the status field to be enabled.

Step 7. Set up environment variables

While the Strapi server is running, open a new terminal and cd into the Next.js app directory you created earlier.

cd cms-strapi-app

Copy the .env.local.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Then set each variable on .env.local:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL should be set as http://localhost:1337 (no trailing slash).

Step 8. Run Next.js in development mode

Make sure that the local Strapi server is still running at http://localhost:1337. Inside the Next.js app directory, run:

npm install
npm run dev

# or

yarn install
yarn dev

Your application should be up and running on http://localhost:3000! You should see the two products you’ve created. If it doesn't work, make sure that:

  • You’ve installed GraphQL to Strapi on Step 2.
  • You’ve set the Roles & Permissions in Step 5.
  • You’ve set the status of each product to be published in Step 6.