
Fish Module for Kartoza BIMS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FISH is a Django app.

Note that FISH is under development and not yet feature complete.

The latest source code is available at http://github.com/kartoza/kbims-fish.

Project Activity

ready inprogress


Quick Installation Guide

For deployment we use docker so you need to have docker running on the host. HealthyRivers is a django app so it will help if you have some knowledge of running a django site.

git clone git://github.com/kartoza/kbims-fish.git

make build

make permissions

make web

# Wait a few seconds for the DB to start before to do the next command

make migrate

make collectstatic

So as to create your admin account: ` make superuser `

Install as a Django Package

  1. Add "fish" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:




  2. Include the fish URLconf in your project urls.py like this:

    path('fish/', include('fish.urls'))

  3. Run python manage.py migrate to create the fish models.

Thank you

Thank you to the individual contributors who have helped to build HealthyRivers:

.svg?branch=master .. |test_status_develop| image:: https://travis-ci.org/kartoza/kbims-fish.svg?branch=develop .. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0
