Shut-up Operator @


We all love good old JavaECMAScript. And we all want to write code the way our ancestors did. Without fear of suddenly appearing exceptions, type errors and undefined is not a function.

Best practices from Vanilla ES:

  • There is no "division by zero error", only Infinity
  • There is no errors in parseInt('💩'), only NaN
  • There is no "reference error", only undefined

And that's really beautiful...

Why not generalize this practices and silence all these annoying errors? Just use "shut-up" operator @.

Usage examples

No need to check input arguments.

function f(callback) {

// Haters gonna hate

No uncontrolled exceptions.

// Bye-bye "Cannot read property"

Unlimited power.

'use strict';  // Pfftt, @ don't care

@(true.value = 1);

Just add @.

Potential problems

  • Conflicting syntax with decorators. But who needs decorators, if you have such a feature as @ operator.
  • Maybe too powerful for mere mortals.

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