
My Final Project for Advanced Programming in C++ (C++ II) at SCCC

Primary LanguageC++


My Final Project for Advanced Programming in C++ (C++ II) at SCCC

My final project is based off of the project proposal from Page 969 #14 of Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects (8th Edition). The program allows for the input of a number of invidual account holders, which each receive a savings and checking account that can be used to deposit and withdraw money after the initial balance has been set. The current balance, number of deposits, number of withdrawls, added annual interest rate (entered by the user before creating any accounts), and deducted monthly service charges (savings accounts have a charge of $1 for every withdrawl above 4 in a month and checking accounts have a charge of $5 plus 10 cents for each withdrawl made) are all recorded for these accounts. Each savings account becomes inactive if the balance falls below $25, preventing any more withdrawls from being made until there is a deposit that raises it above that threshold; and, each checking account receives a service charge of $15 if a withdrawl causes the balance goes below $0 (the withdrawl will also not go through and the account may end up with a negative balance owed if there is not enough for the charge). Once finished with all of the current accounts, the program prompts the user to ask if they would like to continue creating more accounts (looping back to the start) or quit.