
command line interface for Privat24 merchant API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


p24 is command line interface for communication with privat24 marchant information api.

Note: before using p24 you need to register merchant in privat24 system.


  • getting merchant card balance

  • getting merchant statements list for intervals greater than 90 days

  • piping

  • loading progress bar

  • rate limiting and retrying

  • export merchant statements list to a xml|xlsx encoding

  • export only needed fields by --format options



go install github.com/dimboknv/p24-cli@latest
p24-cli version

build from source

git clone https://github.com/dimboknv/p24-cli.git && cd p24-cli
make build
./bin/p24 version

docker image

git clone https://github.com/dimboknv/p24-cli.git && cd p24-cli
make docker 
docker run -it --rm p24 p24 version


  p24 [OPTIONS] statements [statements-OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --debug                   Is debug mode?

Help Options:
  -h, --help                    Show this help message

[statements command options]
          --id=                 Merchant id
          --pass=               Merchant password
          --card=               Merchant card number
          --timeout=            http request timeout (default: 90s)
          --sd=                 Start date of statements date range with "dd.mm.yyyy" layout
          --ed=                 End date of statements date range with "dd.mm.yyyy" layout
      -f, --format=             Export format todo (default:
      -e, --encoding=[xml|xlsx] Export encoding (default: xml)
      -o, --out=                Export statements list to a file with specified extname encoding. If
                                empty export to stdout with '-e' encoding


You can use p24 in pipeline:

p24 statements --id="id" --pass="pass" --card="card" --sd="01.01.2022" --ed="01.02.2022" --timeout=10s --encoding=xml | dasel -p xml


docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/p24 p24 p24 statements --id="id" --pass="pass" --card="card" --sd="01.01.2022" --ed="01.02.2022" --timeout=10s --out=out.xlsx