
Fast hamming-distance range searches via native GiST Indexing facility in PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains two SP-GiST index extensions.

Principally, they detail my progress while implementing a [BK-Tree][1] as a native C PostgreSQL indexing extension. This is extremely useful for certain types of searches, primarily related to fuzzy-image searching.

The subdirectories are as follows:

  • vptree: This is a simple Viewpoint-Tree index using the SP-GiST indexing facilities. Originally, this was written by Alexander Korotkov (a.korotkov@postgrespro.ru), though that implementation was for an earlier version of the SP_GiST API. The version in this repository has been updated for modern (9.6, 10) postgresql, and was the starting point for my own index implementation.

    Without this file, I wouldn't have been able to get anywhere, having a functional basis to work from was enormously beneficial, and I'm extremely grateful to Alexander (on the pgsql-hackers mailing list) for the starting point.

  • bktree: This is my index implementation. It implements a BK-tree index across a 64-bit p-hash data type. Basically, it results in a 65-ary tree, where the child nodes are distributed by the edit-distance from the intermediate node.

    This is (basically) a re-implementation of my pure-C++ BK-tree implementation that is located [here][2]. There are minor changes due to the requirements of the SP-GiST system (normally, this would be a 64-ary tree, but because SP-GiST inner tuples cannot store data, you need a additional branch for the matching case (e.g. edit distance of 0), whereas my C++ implementation can store the matching data directly in the inner tuple, so the matching case does not need an additional branch).

    As a side-benefit of having a robust and well-tested C++ implementation of a BK-tree, I can make stronger garantees about the correctness of the SP-GiST index implementation, simply by porting the tests for the C++ version to use the PG version. That was done, and the resulting tests are [here][3] (see all the Test_db_BKTree*.py files).

  • old: Initially, I wasn't sure if I needed a SP-GiST or a plain GiST index, so the contents of this directory were experimenting with plain GiST indexes. It didn't really go anywhere, but it's vaguely interesting. I may revisit the GiST implementation at some point.

Anyways, in benchmarking, the PostgreSQL implementation of a BK-tree is approximately 33% - 50% as fast as the C++ implementation, presumably due to the additional overhead of the PG tuple, SP-GiST and GiST mechanisms. While this is annoying, it's not a significant-enough performance loss to motivate me to continue using the C++ version, due to the significant implementation complexity of maintaining an out-of-database additional index. Adding more RAM to the PostgreSQL host may also help here. My test system has 32 GB of ram, and the C++ BK-Tree implementation alone requires ~18 GB to contain the entire dataset.

[1] : http://blog.notdot.net/2007/4/Damn-Cool-Algorithms-Part-1-BK-Trees
[2] : https://github.com/fake-name/IntraArchiveDeduplicator/blob/92da07a75928b803a23d0e2940c40013da8ea115/deduplicator/bktree.hpp
[3] : https://github.com/fake-name/IntraArchiveDeduplicator/tree/master/Tests