Radium - A ZSH Prezto theme
I recently started using ZSH and Prezto, and I wanted to hack a theme to my liking as well as learn a little more about ZSH. There are many great themes out there and in fact I have based my theme on several of them. Feel free to use or abuse this as you see fit.
Prompt design
- Designed for dark terminals (works best with Solarized iTerm2 theme)
- Single line prompt
- User@hostname on the left + on/off toggle through an env var
- Git branch info on the left
- Time since last Git commit on the left
- Time of execution on the right
- Dynamic prompt blocks
Radium with enabled user block
I call the user@hostname the "user" block.
Radium with disabled user block
This looks similar to the agnostic theme which I also enjoyed.
I am a big fan of skwp/dotfiles and radium was created to work with it.
The installation instruction are a guidance, not a prescription. In other words, do what you want if you know what you are doing.
Installation of fonts
You will need to install the Powerline Patched fonts first. The screenshots of Radium are using Inconsolata for Powerline. However, the great guys from Powerline have patched a few of everybody's favorites:
- Install fonts: powerline fonts
Installation along with skwp/dotfiles
You can clone the skwp/dotfiles repo and add the theme in zsh/prezto/modules/prompt/functions. However, skwp/dotfiles offers several ways of altering/overwriding the theme that are much more elegant. I would recomend using the following instructions since they take advantage of those methods.
Install skwp/dotfiles
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dimitardimitrov/radium.git ~/.themes/radium
Make the theme available to ZSH:
ln -s ~/.themes/radium/prompt_radium_setup ~/.zsh.prompts/prompt_radium_setup
Enable the theme:
echo "prompt radium" > ~/.zsh.after/prompt.zsh
If the file exist, simply open it in an editor and add:
prompt radium
Installation with Prezto
Install Prezto
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dimitardimitrov/radium.git ~/.themes/radium
Link the radium theme file into the Prezto's theme folder:
ln -s ~/.themes/radium/prompt_radium_setup [your_path]/prezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_radium_setup
Load the theme by adding it to ~/.zpreztorc as mentioned in the Prezto docs
You can enable/disable the user block through the RADIUM_USER_BLOCK environemntal variable.
Disable the user block
Add the user block variable with 0 value(false) to your user environment variables file.
RODIUM_USER_BLOCK=0" >> ~/.zprofile
Enable the user block
Edit your environment variable file for ZSH
Change the value of RODIUM_USER_BLOCK variable to 1 or remove the variable completely:
You will also need to set your fonts in terminal. For iTerm, you will have to set both Font and non-ASCII Font using the Powerline fonts from above for the non-ASCII Fonts
Remove the radium theme
Disable the theme by removing it from:
~/.zsh.after/prompt.zsh - for skwp/dotfiles ~/.zpreztorc - for Prezto only installation
Delete the ~/.themes folder or just the radium theme from it if you have stored other themes there.