
(767th place - Top 53%) Kaggle CareerCon 2019 - Help Navigate Robots

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CareerCon 2019 - Help Navigate Robots

Compete to get your resume in front of our sponsors

Kaggle competition: https://www.kaggle.com/c/career-con-2019


CareerCon 2019 is upon us!

CareerCon is a digital event all about landing your first data science job — and early-bird registration is now open (to sweeten the deal, we're giving 10 early registrants a Kaggle sweatshirt!). Ahead of the event, we have a fun competition to get you started. See below for a unique challenge and opportunity to share your resume with select CareerCon sponsors. Read more about CareerCon 2019 here.

The Competition

Robots are smart… by design. To fully understand and properly navigate a task, however, they need input about their environment.

In this competition, you’ll help robots recognize the floor surface they’re standing on using data collected from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU sensors).

We’ve collected IMU sensor data while driving a small mobile robot over different floor surfaces on the university premises. The task is to predict which one of the nine floor types (carpet, tiles, concrete) the robot is on using sensor data such as acceleration and velocity. Succeed and you'll help improve the navigation of robots without assistance across many different surfaces, so they won’t fall down on the job.

Special thanks for making this competition possible:

The data for this competition has been collected by Heikki Huttunen and Francesco Lomio from the Department of Signal Processing and Damoon Mohamadi, Kaan Celikbilek, Pedram Ghazi and Reza Ghabcheloo from the Department of Automation and Mechanical Engineering both from Tampere University, Finland. We at Kaggle would like thank them all for kindly donating the data that has made this competition possible!