
A Gemma-based chatbot app that has multiple bots impersonating famous philosophers from different schools.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Philosophers council

Seek council from some of the most relevant philosophers of all time.

This project is a chatbot powered by Google's Gemma open-source model. Here you will find a Gradio app with multiple chatbots that impersonate famous philosophers. You can seek guidance or talk with them and get responses based on different philosophy schools.

Feel free to extend this app, tweak the existing bots or add your own.





The recommended approach to use this repository is with Docker, but you can also use a custom venv, just make sure to install all dependencies.


model_id: google/gemma-1.1-2b-it
device: cpu
max_new_tokens: 128
  seneca: prompts/seneca.txt
  confucius: prompts/confucius.txt
  aristotle: prompts/aristotle.txt
  • model_id: Backend model used by the chatbot.
  • device: Backend device used by the model, usually one of (cpu, cuda, mps).
  • max_new_tokens: Maximum number of tokens generated by the model.
  • prompts:
    • bot_name: Bot's initialization prompt (each bot should have one starting prompt).


Start the chatbot app.

make chatbot

Build the Docker image.

make build

Apply lint and formatting to the code (only needed for development).

make lint



This project is aimed only at entertainment purposes only, I do not recommend following LLMs-generated suggestions or using them for any psychologist-related activities.