Web Development Post-Grad Playbook

Welcome to the post-grad curriculum playbook! This is designed to guide your continued growth and development after completing Codeup. By providing you with clear pathways and accountability, we hope you can increase your hireability value.

How to use this playbook

Includes: Use the Practice Tracks to refine your existing skill set Use the Learning Tracks to expand and add to your skill set Use the Project Tracks to build your portfolio

Practice Tracks

Vocabulary Practice

Practice your technical vocabulary with Codeup’s guide

Interview Prep

  • HackerRank Interview Preparation Kit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wrHMHKjCpmiu6uSX6R8DIT8GgbsrCmqVY1ZzaXJjwg8/edit
  • Warm Up Challenges
  • Arrays
  • Dictionaries and Hashmaps
  • Sorting
  • String Manipulation
  • Complete (4 of 5): Greedy Algorithms
  • Complete (5 of 7): Search
  • Complete (3 of 4): Dynamic Programming
  • Complete (5 of 6): Stacks and Queues
  • Complete (2 of 5): Graphs
  • Complete (4 of 5): Trees
  • Linked Lists
  • Recursion and Backtracking
  • Final Challenge: Miscellaneous Interview Questions

FreeCodeCamp Interview Prep Coding Interview Prep: Algorithms Coding Interview Prep: Data Structures Coding Interview Prep: Take Home Projects Coding Interview Prep: Rosetta Code Coding Interview Prep: Project Euler General programming/coding challenges Complete HackerRank Algorithms HackerRank problem sets HackerRank Java (Easy - Hard) problems HackerRank Regex problems HackerRank SQL (Easy - Hard) problems Codeup coding challenges Sample challenges Amateur challenges Intermediate challenges Professional challenges Create an Exercism.io Account Practice Java on Exercism.io Practice JavaScript on Exercism.io Codeup Exercises and Challenges Codeup CSS bonus challenges Codeup Java File IO extra exercises Explore Coderbyte and CodeWars Learning Tracks Learn about Web Design, UI, and UX in Codeup’s Appendix Learn about Design Patterns on Source Making Deploy a Spring application to AWS Complete the AWS Technical Essentials training Become an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Learn about Data Structures on HackerRank Learn about Top Grading interviews with Codeup Learn about Ruby Learn about Python Learn about PHP Learn about C Learn Weebly, a free website building tool Learn about Selenium, an open-source testing framework Learn about Salesforce and Service Now: ReadMe, Training Guide

Project Tracks

Build a Personal Website Build a JavaScript Calculator Build a Whack-A-Mole game Build a Website Status Page Build a Memory Card game Build a Simple Simon game Create a RESTful client/server application Build a Travel Distance Calculator Build a Sales Tax calculator Create a PDF Parsing application Control the Mars Rover Beef Up Your Blog Build a Facebook clone application Update your Capstone project Add a front-end JavaScript framework Add new features Deploy to AWS Update your Codeup project portfolio Coffee project, Weather Map, AdLister

Example A: Post-Grad Curriculum Syllabus

Week 1 Collateral updates Resume, Alumni Portal, LinkedIn Profile, Github Capstone updates: Meet with your team and decide where you can improve functionality and UI experience. Get out of your comfort zone. Project updates (oldest to newest, HTML, CSS, JS) - review and improve your earliest projects before you to start anything new. Show that you can now create quality code after evolving. Create a copy to keep track of changes Login to hackerrank.com Start the Interview Preparation Kit Complete the first 4 sets of challenges: Complete: Warm Up Challenges Complete: Arrays Watch: Tips and Guidelines Complete: Dictionaries and Hashmaps Locate an existing Codebase - bring into your repository in GitHub and improve it. Pair program - find another developer on the bench and either start a peer programming project or conduct internal code reviews. Login to hackerrank.com Start the Interview Preparation Kit Complete the first 4 sets of challenges: Complete: Warm Up Challenges Complete: Arrays Watch: Tips and Guidelines Complete: Dictionaries and Hashmaps Work on beefing up your blog! Complete phase 1 of the MockTeck tool (HTML, CSS, JS)

Week 2 Appendix extra challenges Mock tech phase 2 - JS - Java Hosting intro AWS, Azure, WP Intro Deploy code into a remote server using Github Targeted practice with TDD - Hackerrank Pair program - find another developer on the bench and either start a peer programming

Complete: Sorting Complete: String Manipulation Complete (4 of 5): Greedy Algorithms Complete (5 of 7): Search https://github.com/gocodeup/css-bonus-challenges

Week 3: Complete (3 of 4): Dynamic Programming Complete (5 of 6): Stacks and Queues Complete (2 of 5): Graphs Complete (4 of 5): Trees https://github.com/gocodeup/css-bonus-challenges Start new project/capstone utilizing AWS/Github using the Agile methodology with Git Projects - Other teams capstone 50 questions Java hacker rank Collateral updates Pair Program/Code review

Week 4: Complete: Linked Lists Complete: Recursion and Backtracking Complete: Final Challenge: Miscellaneous Interview Questions Continue new project/capstone Schedule Mock interview Learn a new language Apply to jobs

Week 5: Complete HackerRank Data Structures

Week 6: Complete HackerRank Algorithms

Week 7: Complete minimum of 50 HackerRank Java (Easy - Hard) problems

Week 8: Complete minimum of 25 HackerRank Regex problems Begin working through the Design Patterns track on Source Making. You can commit some sample code that creates/uses some of these patterns.

Week 9: Complete the Codeup MySQL Appendix Complete minimum of 25 HackerRank SQL (Easy - Hard) problems

Week 10: Complete the Web Status Page challenge from Codeup Appendix Complete the Whack-A-Mole game using JavaScript or a JS Framework/Library like jQuery, React, or Angular

Week 11: Create 2 games in JS: https://java.codeup.com/appendix/extra-challenges/memory-game/ https://java.codeup.com/jquery/simple-simon/

Week 12: Beef up java chops by making this Facebook clone in Spring Boot https://java.codeup.com/appendix/extra-challenges/facebook-clone/

Week 13: Deploy your facebook clone to AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploying-a-spring-boot-application-on-aws-using-aws-elastic-beanstalk/ Makes notes/changes in GitHub

Example B: Post-Grad Curriculum Syllabus Time beyond graduation is broken into phases to provide a more clear and concise expectation of students on what they are responsible for and what they can expect from Career Coaches and Codeup resources until Day 1 of their new career. Phase 1 (Weeks 1-4) Bi-weekly scrum / check in calls to get an update on: What have they been working on since the last call? What are they working on today? Do you have any roadblocks? Provide relevant updates from the Codeup team. Developers are encouraged to pick a skill / technology that they want to specialize in to create a more versatile resume for the job market. Example React, Angular, Vue, or Salesforce Admin certifications. Developers are encouraged to find at least 1-2 new technologies and / or skills. Phase 2 (Weeks 5-8) Developers are encouraged to utilize their specialized skill / technology and complete a passion project that can be used on their resume. This project can be completed as a solo project or a paired partner project. This needs to be a project that the developer WANTS to do. After project completion an appointment will be set with a Codeup staff to update resume with recent technologies, projects, and achievements completed since graduation. Bi-weekly scrum / check in calls to get an update on: What have they been working on? What are they working on currently? Do they have any roadblocks? Provide any relevant updates from the Codeup team. At the end of week 8 developers will present projects to other post graduates through demonstration to show off their work. Phase 3 (Weeks 9-12) Developers are encouraged to either continue learning more advanced methods with specialized technology or pick a new skill / technology to learn. Daily scrum / check in calls to get an update on: What have they been working on? What are they working on currently? Do they have any roadblocks? Provide any relevant information from the Codeup team.

Phase 4 (Weeks 13-16) Developers are encouraged to utilize their specialized skill / technology and complete a passion project that can be used on their resume. This project can be completed as a solo project or a paired partner project. This needs to be a project that the developer WANTS to do. After project completion an appointment will be set with a Codeup staff to update resume with recent technologies, projects, and achievements completed since graduation. Daily scrum / check in calls to get an update on: What have they been working on? What are they working on currently? Do they have any roadblocks? Provide any relevant updates from the Codeup team. At the end of week 16 developers will present projects to other post graduates through demonstration to show off their work. Phase 5 (Weeks 17-24) Developers are encouraged to either continue learning more advanced methods with specialized technology or pick a new skill / technology to learn. Daily scrum / check in calls to get an update on: What have they been working on? What are they working on currently? Do they have any roadblocks? Provide any relevant updates from the Codeup team. Phase 6 (Weeks 25+) All available resources will still be provided to the developer and will be encouraged to attend daily scrum meetings with those currently in Phase 5. Every post graduate’s needs and availability will be different - There is room for flexibility and customization depending on their needs. At this point their efforts will be reciprocated from Codeup staff.