
A formatting quiz for iOS students

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS Formatting Quiz

The code.swift file in this repository was taken from an existing project. A new team member added a feature to it, but neglected to match the code style of their teammates. The new code was added between lines 56 and 77. A code reviewer on the existing team noticed 10 formatting, naming, or logic issues with the code that was added, but their computer suffered from catastrophic hardware failure, meaning they were unable to offer up the corrections that were necessary. As the latest new hire, it is up to you to fix them!


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Using the editing commands on GitHub, make the necessary corrections to the code.swift file. Only the method between lines 56 and 77 should be corrected.
  3. Submit a Pull Request back to the main repository with the following:
    • Your full name as the title
    • Your regular TL as the reviewer
    • Label the PR with your cohort (ie. iOS-PT-3 or iOS-10)