VirtualCoach system

Live URL:


  • JavaScript
  • npm or yarn package installer
  • MongoDB

How to run it

You have to install the Android app that is available here

Then, the local development needs three servers:

1. MongoDB server

Where all the data are saved. You have to run the mongo server at the beggining with the following bash command:


2. Backend server

The backend server uses a Restful API. It creates/saves/edits all the user's data and serves the Three.js views for the Android app and the gym's dashboard.

To install the backend dependencies run the following commands:

cd server

3. Frontend server

The React server serves the gym's dashboard that handles the data visualization.

To install the frontend dependencies run the following commands:

cd frontend

To start backend and frontend server cuncurrently you have to run the following command from the root directory:

yarn start

Enjoy your workout 🏃