Extension to search on Google, Bing, HomeDepot, Baidu, Yandex and more using SerpApi written in C++. The backend is powered by serpapi.com and required an account
Current Status: draft
env API_KEY=API_KEY docker run --rm -it -e API_KEY --workdir /tmp/serpapi -v $PWD:/tmp/serpapi conanio/gcc10 make install_linux reset all
This will use https://hub.docker.com/layers/conanio/gcc10 image instead of creating our own image for compilation on Linux.
- Set an environment API_KEY=
- Install dependency either apple or linux tested.
make install_apple
make install_linux
- Initialize the project:
make reset
- Compile
ormake build run
- Edit main.cpp for testing.
- edit sooglesearch.cpp/hpp
- update all files using
- Add unit test
- Customize classes
- Package as a library
- Create OOBT test
- Publish library online
- Add REPL.it example
- Add integration documentation on serpapi.com
- Write a full README to match serpapi-search-results-dotnet