
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Class representing a user profile.


Class representing a drug (medicine).



Creates table with user profiles.


Saves profile data to local storage properly.


Saves profile data to local storage properly.


Deletes profile data from local storage.


Create new profile, given a user profile object.

createDeleteButton(medicineSection, medicineName)

Creates a delete button for existing user profile (section).


Creates a modification button for existing profile (section).


Shows profile creation div when user clicks the add profile button.


Checks if profile already exists in localstorage.


Saves the last updated timestamp.


Shows the medicine modification window. Triggered when the user clicks the modify button.

createSection(headerStr, categoryIconSrc, categoryIconAltTxt)Element

Creates a section, along with its header and icon.


Sets the apropriate theme. Checks to see if a relative record exists in localstorage, else checks the user's operating system theme.


Convert an array into a CSV string


Creates a div element for the import/export buttons.


Triggers the hidden input element. Triggered each time user presses the 'upload' button.


Prepares a CSV file and starts the download. Triggered each time user presses the 'download' button.


Parses CSV and sets the new data (medicine list).


Creates table with user's medicine.


Deletes the section with all medicine (list).


Deletes 'add medicine' button.


Creates the 'add medicine' button.


Marks each medicine accourding to their expiration date. Red: expired or expires today Yellow: expires soon Green: ahead of expiration time


Shows the medicine modification window. Triggered when the user clicks the modify button.


Saves medicine data to local storage properly.


Prepares the new profile list (along with all the medicine lists). Triggered when the user creates new medicine or modifies an existing one.


Deletes medicine data from local storage.


Creates new medicine, given a medicine object.

createDeleteButton(medicineSection, medicineName)

Creates a delete button for existing medicine (section).


Creates a modification button for existing medicine (section).


Creates a new search input (text area).


Performs search among medicine.


Checks if a medicine element is a search result based on a filter


Creates a sort by div area.

showCreateMedicineSection(nameTxt, expirationDateTxt, stockCount, barcodeTxt, remarksTxt, editableMedicineDiv)

Shows medicine creation div when user clicks the add medicine button. Parameters are only needed when the function is triggered due to modification.

medicineExists(name, expirationDate, barcode)

Checks if a medicine already exists in the profile. Distinct key: (name, expiration date, barcode)


Saves the last updated timestamp.


Starts barcode scanner.


Gets profile instance from localstorage.


Returns profile instance from localstorage.


Returns profile name from localstorage.


Sets theme according to user's preference. Dark theme is applied by default

createSection(headerStr, categoryIconSrc, categoryIconAltTxt)Element

Creates a section, along with its header and icon.


Class representing a user profile.

Kind: global class

new UserProfile(name)

Creates a user profile instance

Param Type Description
name string Profile's complete name


Class representing a drug (medicine).

Kind: global class

new Medicine(name, expirationDate, stock, barcode, remarks)

Creates a medicine instance

Param Type Description
name string Medicine's complete name
expirationDate string Medicine's expiration date
stock int Medicine's stock
barcode string Medicine's barcode
remarks string Medicine's potential remarks


Creates table with user profiles.

Kind: global function


Saves profile data to local storage properly.

Kind: global function


Saves profile data to local storage properly.

Kind: global function


Deletes profile data from local storage.

Kind: global function

createProfileElement(profile) ⇒ Element

Create new profile, given a user profile object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - a div element (profile's new div)

Param Type Description
profile UserProfile Profile's instance

createDeleteButton(medicineSection, medicineName)

Creates a delete button for existing user profile (section).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
medicineSection Element Profile's section
medicineName string Profile's complete name


Creates a modification button for existing profile (section).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
profileSection Element Profiles's section


Shows profile creation div when user clicks the add profile button.

Kind: global function

profileExists(profileName) ⇒

Checks if profile already exists in localstorage.

Kind: global function
Returns: true if already exists, false otherwise.

Param Description
profileName the name of the profile we are checking


Saves the last updated timestamp.

Kind: global function

Param Description
profileName the name of the profile updated.


Shows the medicine modification window. Triggered when the user clicks the modify button.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
profileSection Element medicine to be marked

createSection(headerStr, categoryIconSrc, categoryIconAltTxt) ⇒ Element

Creates a section, along with its header and icon.

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - Section's element

Param Type Description
headerStr string The header's string
categoryIconSrc string Icon's src
categoryIconAltTxt string Icon's alternative text


Sets the apropriate theme. Checks to see if a relative record exists in localstorage, else checks the user's operating system theme.

Kind: global function


Convert an array into a CSV string

Kind: global function

createImportExportDiv() ⇒

Creates a div element for the import/export buttons.

Kind: global function
Returns: the division element


Triggers the hidden input element. Triggered each time user presses the 'upload' button.

Kind: global function


Prepares a CSV file and starts the download. Triggered each time user presses the 'download' button.

Kind: global function


Parses CSV and sets the new data (medicine list).

Kind: global function

Param Description
data csv data uploaded


Creates table with user's medicine.

Kind: global function

Param Default Description
sortBy name-asc string that represents the sort criteria


Deletes the section with all medicine (list).

Kind: global function


Deletes 'add medicine' button.

Kind: global function


Creates the 'add medicine' button.

Kind: global function


Marks each medicine accourding to their expiration date. Red: expired or expires today Yellow: expires soon Green: ahead of expiration time

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
medicineSection Element medicine to be marked


Shows the medicine modification window. Triggered when the user clicks the modify button.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
medicineSection Element medicine to be marked


Saves medicine data to local storage properly.

Kind: global function

prepareNewProfileList(newMedicineInstance) ⇒ Array

Prepares the new profile list (along with all the medicine lists). Triggered when the user creates new medicine or modifies an existing one.

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - the new profile list

Param Type Description
newMedicineInstance Element medicine instance to be upserted


Deletes medicine data from local storage.

Kind: global function

createMedicineElement(medicine) ⇒ Element

Creates new medicine, given a medicine object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - a div element (profile's new div)

Param Type Description
medicine Medicine Medicine's complete name

createDeleteButton(medicineSection, medicineName)

Creates a delete button for existing medicine (section).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
medicineSection Element Medicine's section
medicineName string Medicine's complete name


Creates a modification button for existing medicine (section).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
medicineSection Element Medicine's section

createSearchInput() ⇒ Element

Creates a new search input (text area).

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - a search input element


Performs search among medicine.

Kind: global function

isSearchResult(labels) ⇒ boolean

Checks if a medicine element is a search result based on a filter

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - true if the medicine must be returned as a search result, false otherwise.

Param Type Description
labels Array the labels within the medicine element

createSortByElements(index) ⇒ Element

Creates a sort by div area.

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - sort by div area.

Param Type Default Description
index int 0 the starting index of dropdown list

showCreateMedicineSection(nameTxt, expirationDateTxt, stockCount, barcodeTxt, remarksTxt, editableMedicineDiv)

Shows medicine creation div when user clicks the add medicine button. Parameters are only needed when the function is triggered due to modification.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
nameTxt string medicine's full name
expirationDateTxt string medicine's expiration date
stockCount int 1 medicine's stock count
barcodeTxt string medicine's barcode
remarksTxt string remarks' text
editableMedicineDiv Element non null only when is triggered due to modification

medicineExists(name, expirationDate, barcode) ⇒

Checks if a medicine already exists in the profile. Distinct key: (name, expiration date, barcode)

Kind: global function
Returns: true if already exists in the profile, false otherwise.

Param Description
name the name of the medicine
expirationDate the expiration date of the medicine
barcode the medicine's barcode


Saves the last updated timestamp.

Kind: global function


Starts barcode scanner.

Kind: global function

getProfileInstance() ⇒ UserProfile

Gets profile instance from localstorage.

Kind: global function
Returns: UserProfile - user profile instance

findProfileByName() ⇒ UserProfile

Returns profile instance from localstorage.

Kind: global function
Returns: UserProfile - user profile instance

getProfileName() ⇒ UserProfile

Returns profile name from localstorage.

Kind: global function
Returns: UserProfile - user profile instance


Sets theme according to user's preference. Dark theme is applied by default

Kind: global function

createSection(headerStr, categoryIconSrc, categoryIconAltTxt) ⇒ Element

Creates a section, along with its header and icon.

Kind: global function
Returns: Element - Section's element

Param Type Description
headerStr string The header's string
categoryIconSrc string Icon's src
categoryIconAltTxt string Icon's alternative text