
Ametys is a free and open source professional web content management system (WCMS)

Jelastic Ametys Add-on

This repository provides Ametys add-on for Jelastic Platform.

Ametys is a free and open source professional web content management system (WCMS).

Type of nodes this add-on can be applied to:

  • tomcat9
  • mysql8

What it can be used for?

Ametys is a free and open source professional web content management system (WCMS), which combines content richness with a user-friendly interf.

What Jelastic add-on is?

Jelastic add-on represents a package with a kind of a patch, that can be applied to an environment in order to improve and complement its functionality. The full list of the available at a platform add-ons can be seen at the corresponding same-named section of [Jelastic Marketplace](https://docs.jelastic.com/marketplace#add-ons].

How to install an add-on?

For Developers

In case you can’t find the desired package within the list of available ones, copy and save the content of add-on’s manifest as a .json file and import it to the dashboard. Herewith, you can apply any necessary adjustments to an add-on through this file (if such are required) and install its customized version in the similar way.

For Cluster Admins

In order to add the desired add-on to your platform and make it available for users, perform the following:

  • copy the content of its manifest
  • switch to the Marketplace section of your JCA panel and choose Add > Add-on menu option
  • paste the copied strings into the appeared frame and Save the template
  • choose your newly added add-on within the list and click on Publish above

Also, you are able to adjust the given add-on template according to your needs and provide its customized version.