
42-libft library

Primary LanguageC

# **************************************************************************** #
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#                                                         :::      ::::::::    #
#    readme.txt                                         :+:      :+:    :+:    #
#                                                     +:+ +:+         +:+      #
#    By: dmytro <dmytro@student.42.fr>              +#+  +:+       +#+         #
#                                                 +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+            #
#    Created: 2023/05/18 20:32:40 by dmytro            #+#    #+#              #
#    Updated: 2023/05/18 21:46:51 by dmytro           ###   ########.fr        #
#                                                                              #
# **************************************************************************** #

This repository contains a library of simple functions, written according to
the very first task of the 42 Prague core curriculum - Libft
Short description:
+ ft_atoi.c - Converts a string to an integer.
+ ft_bzero.c - Sets a memory block to zero.
+ ft_calloc.c - Allocates memory and sets it to zero.
+ ft_isalnum.c - Checks if a character is alphanumeric.
+ ft_isalpha.c - Checks if a character is alphabetic.
+ ft_isascii.c - Checks if a character is a 7-bit ASCII character.
+ ft_isdigit.c - Checks if a character is a digit.
+ ft_isprint.c - Checks if a character is printable.
+ ft_itoa.c - Converts an integer to a string.
+ ft_lstadd_back.c - Adds a new node to the end of a linked list.
+ ft_lstadd_front.c - Adds a new node to the beginning of a linked list.
+ ft_lstclear.c - Deletes all nodes in a linked list.
+ ft_lstdelone.c - Deletes a node in a linked list.
+ ft_lstiter.c - Applies a function to each node in a linked list.
+ ft_lstlast.c - Returns the last node in a linked list.
+ ft_lstmap.c - Creates a new linked list by applying a function to each node
	in an existing linked list.
+ ft_lstnew.c - Creates a new node for a linked list.
+ ft_lstsize.c - Returns the number of nodes in a linked list.
+ ft_memchr.c - Searches a memory block for a specified character.
+ ft_memcmp.c - Compares two memory blocks.
+ ft_memcpy.c - Copies memory from one location to another.
+ ft_memmove.c - Copies memory from one location to another, handling overlap.
+ ft_memset.c - Sets a memory block to a specified value.
+ ft_putchar_fd.c - Outputs a character to a file descriptor.
+ ft_putendl_fd.c - Outputs a string followed by a newline to a file 
+ ft_putnbr_fd.c - Outputs an integer to a file descriptor.
+ ft_putstr_fd.c - Outputs a string to a file descriptor.
+ ft_split.c - Splits a string into an array of substrings based on a 
+ ft_strchr.c - Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string.
+ ft_strdup.c - Duplicates a string.
+ ft_striteri.c - Applies a function to each character in a string.
+ ft_strjoin.c - Joins two strings.
+ ft_strlcat.c - Appends a string to a buffer with a specified size.
+ ft_strlcpy.c - Copies a string to a buffer with a specified size.
+ ft_strlen.c - Returns the length of a string.
+ ft_strmapi.c - Applies a function to each character in a string.
+ ft_strncmp.c - Compares two strings up to a specified length.
+ ft_strnstr.c - Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string 
	up to a specified length.
+ ft_strrchr.c - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string.
+ ft_strtrim.c - Trims specified whitespace characters from the beginning
	and end of a string.
+ ft_substr.c - Returns a substring of a string up to a specified length
	starting from the specified position.
+ ft_tolower.c - Changes the given character to lowercase.
+ ft_toupper.c - Changes the given character to uppercase.