A sample, offline first, Android app written in Kotlin, which lists recent popular news around the world, based on user input. The app allows for multiple inputs and multiple lists which can be viewed offline. Lists get updated every 3 hours if the device is connected to network.
- MVVM pattern using RxJava2 and Architecture components
- Rest API from NewsApi
- Sync news every 3 hours using WorkManager
- Store data using Room
- Fragment navigation with Navigation Component
- Architecture components
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Room
- WorkManager
- Navigation
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- ThreeTenABP
- JUnit
- Mockito
- Mockito-Kotlin
- Clone this repo directly:
git clone https://github.com/dimkonomis/NewsSync.git
You can view the project's Coroutines version, instead of RxJava, on coroutines branch
This repo is inspired from DroidKaigi 2018