Programming let me write the novel that I could never build.
with more tools than solely a pen,
for truly, novelists have a strength; they find voice with

I was not one of those gifted few.
finally Tools and customization allowed my words to paper;
my Drawings to come alive. sting chars to affect things; people;
text transforms to everything in programming ... #267576

google sunset ... open chrome dev tools / click the color blob.
scroll over the sunset image and capture the color from the copyright.

some effect society with action. They run into the world and grab things.
Fit into systems others create. And in the absence... start societies that others join.

Writers talk of worlds that do not exist. that cannot exist. So that they may be written down.
Form rule .. containers, so that the idea can germinate
Get others to join . And sign their contract.
They memorize verbal to remember and recite. or write on paper to remember and recite.
Kids on the school yard trying to keep their sandkasle from being kicked.

Or they store it somewhere that the own the data.
Or give it where it wont be destroyed.
Awaiting the day it can progress and not be denounced. or do nothing and not be denounced.
organize: SHARE it with others and they become the probe you send to remember.
share and they may choose to own it themselves.
make others the leader in name if you believe in something.
the passionate often keep idea respect; and now there were two where there once was one.




and purpose.

All the recipees to be able to write a lot. I can program small(3 lines of code useful program) or I can program big (thousand lines of code seperately super useful program)

And there is excellence. kant write bad code and nothing worse than bloatware.

For your ideas to flow THE ENVIRONMENT must be customizable.
In the absence of customization we survive.

In abstract abject stories dreaming of the world that was.
Awaiting the release of version "new" that opens the door.

Dreading when the new update breaks the software.
And hoping we can find a pirated way back.
Because old software never truly dies.

The Apple Store can delete the app from your phone but you can always email the founder.

"Open Source", It made my life so much easier.
cuts the the cloak of suspicion and non answer toward the skill worthiness of others.
thereby learning the skillworthiness of yourself.

Chapter 4

painting is hard blank pages taunt you to use anything to express everything one at a time all at once..
programming should be the open page. Allowing everything IN WEB html this is often where trouble is found.
lack of good ideas when the empty paper taunts to put something useful.
too, the tool of the computer is limited. Limitation causes a something to do.
draw it. now the paper looks naught daunting.
if the flexibility exists why doesnt the creation exist in this environment?
go build it!
if the flexibility doesnt exist say why that frustrates you. Say what you want.
shelv it away for when it is possible.
shelv it away for then the competitor offers the flexibility.
pray and hope they once add the flexibility. much as we pray for rain.
framework, web framework! container exists! so lets use it before we know what to do!
Look its a blank canvas and so excited.

everyone has 12 of the containers with the same theme repeated and
6 other containers that are different kind of containers.

But seriously, the program world is better when nearer art.

but next is an easier creation world.

such as the art of living is its own story.
metaprogramming needs to be at will able to build on top of other systems.

create worlds from scratch with stream of consciousness that others can join...
or interpret your macro on top of them

Stealing can be the quickest form of art .

better to live having created alot of good derivative work.
Than produce in cog fashion as "meagre"
to adapt works with a conscience and good behavior, of course.
You dont want that copywrited image, trust me but please take a pixelated color.
translate into another arform. make a lot of Good stuff Fast.

Have a ton so that you can delete and bring forth the curation that is your person.

and all of this translated to text.
and translated back to hello_world.

whoops 🐱 had not yet put in an emoji.

In this repository, I want to put my ideas of areas I want to program that are not configurable enough
due to constraints from providers or lack in my knowledgebase of the subject.

3d Aug Reality I want an ugly pet ... chia-demon just hovering always

like the floaters in my eyes that are always present.
and nothing else. I want my program in the absence of others impacting my reality.

3d Aug Reality I want to take others enviroments and coalesce or retranslate

3d Aug Reality I want write a note for the day

and refer back whenever needed.
and hide and forget whenever not needed.