CS 242: Programming Languages Final Project for Fall Quarter, 2017. We explored different approaches to the Strategy Pattern and Dependency Injection in Rust, and authored a paper of our findings.
Authors: Michael Diamond and Matthew Vilim
# launch server
$ cargo run
Access server at http://localhost:8000
If Ctrl+C isn't sufficient to kill the server (this seems to be the case on Windows) visit /quit to kill the server.
Run ./test_server.sh
to valdidate the server's runtime behavior (namely, that it doesn't panic).
- https://github.com/KodrAus/rust-ioc
- https://github.com/jonysy/hypospray
- https://github.com/Nercury/di-rs
Licensed under the Apache 2 license, copyright 2017 Google, Matthew Vilim.
This is not an officially supported Google product.