
Minimal brunch setup that builds its output into Rails' app/assets/(javascripts|stylesheets). Modeled after the Phoenix Framework's use of Brunch.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brunch app

This is a client side HTML5 asset pipeline that lives harmoniously with Rails and Sprockets, built with Brunch. It is designed to be used INSIDE your Rails application, at the top level folder.

It was inspired by the Phoenix Framework's elegant use of Brunch. It can be a real pain setting up a client side asset pipeline to work alongside Rails and Sprockets. This does just that using the fantastically productive tool Brunch.

Don't waste your days bootstrapping Webpack!

Once you're up and going, you can add all the bells and whistles, including React and ES2016. It already has sass, Babel, and autoreload out the box.

Getting started

  • Install (if you don't have them):
    • Node.js: brew install node on OS X
    • Brunch: npm install -g brunch
  • Run:
    • cd rails-application Make sure you are in the top level of your Rails directory.
    • brunch new -s dimroc/brunch-with-rails
    • brunch watch — watches the project with continuous rebuild and refreshes the browser on changes.
    • Run rails server to serve up the compiled files from vendor/assets/(javascripts|stylesheets).
  • Learn:
    • Write your code in client/ dir. It will be processed through the node pipeline and written to vendor/assets/javascripts/client.js
    • Place static files you want to be copied from client/assets/ to vendor/assets/.
    • Brunch site, Getting started guide

Rendering the output

Most Brunch samples render the output to a build/ folder. In this skeleton, we write it to the app assets folder. A simple ClientController with the following javascript will load the HTML5 application:



Working with Guard

Rather than having to run rails server and brunch watch, you can use the following Guardfile to run both:

guard 'rails' do

guard 'process', name: 'brunch', command: 'brunch watch' do

You will need the gems guard-rails and guard-process:


group :development do
  gem 'guard-process'
  gem 'guard-rails', require: false


See this repo for an example.