
A bootstrap project containing all the steps I do before starting a new laravel project.

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel App Basis

This is a bootstrap project containing all the steps I do before starting a new project. The goal is to speed this process up and ultimately automate it.

The laravel version used is v5.2.35.


  • Clone and delete .git directory to have a clean fork: rm -rf .git

  • Run composer install

  • Initialize laravel project:

    • Copy .env.example to .env: cp .env.example .env
    • Run php artisan key:generate
    • Run php artisan app:name Some\\Namespace
  • Run ide helper

    • Run php artisan ide-helper:generate
    • Run php artisan ide-helper:meta (for phpstorm)
  • Push project to github

    • Run git init
    • Run git add .
    • Run git commit -m "first commit"
    • Create new project in Github
    • You add the remote git repository and push (follow github instructions)
  • Setup bugsnag

    • Enter your bugsnag key in config/bugsnag.php
  • Add project in circleci.com:

  • Setup elixir & gulp:

    • Install gulp globally: sudo npm install --global gulp
    • Lock npm requirements: npm shrinkwrap
    • Install npm dependencies: npm install
      • or npm install --no-bin-links for windows
    • To run gulp, you have these commands:
      • gulp (run all tasks)
      • gulp watch (run all tasks and look for changes)
      • gulp --production (run all tasks and minify all CSS and JavaScript)