
FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform video decoder/encoder library for .NET that uses FFmpeg native libraries. It supports video frames extraction, reading stream metadata and creating videos from bitmaps in any format supported by FFmpeg.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build status Nuget License

FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform .NET Standard library for creating and reading video files. It uses native FFmpeg libraries by the FFmpeg.Autogen bindings.


  • Decoding/encoding videos in any format supported by FFmpeg.
  • Fast, frame accurate, random acces to any video frame by frame index or timestamp.
  • Creating videos from images.
  • Compatible with most of .NET graphics libraries.
  • Supports reading multimedia chapters and metadata.
  • Configurable - supports pixel format, bitrate, FPS, GoP, dimensions and custom codec flags settings.
  • Simple, object-oriented, easy-to-use API with inline documentation.
  • Cross-platform - works on Linux, Windows and MacOS - with .NET Core or .NET Framework projects.

Code samples

  • Extract all video frames as PNG files

    var file = MediaFile.Open(@"C:\videos\movie.mp4");
    for (int i = 0; i < file.Video.Info.FrameCount; i++)
  • Video decoding

    // Opens a multimedia file.
    // You can use the MediaOptions properties to set decoder options.
    var file = MediaFile.Open(@"C:\videos\movie.mp4");
    // Print informations about the video stream.
    Console.WriteLine("Bitrate: " + file.Info.Bitrate);
    Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + file.Video.Info.Duration);
    Console.WriteLine("Frames count: " + file.Video.Info.FrameCount);
    Console.WriteLine("Frame rate: " + file.Video.Info.FrameRate);
    Console.WriteLine("Frame size: " + file.Video.Info.FrameSize);
    Console.WriteLine("Pixel format: " + file.Video.Info.PixelFormat);
    Console.WriteLine("Codec: " + file.Video.Info.CodecName);
    Console.WriteLine("Is interlaced: " + file.Video.Info.IsInterlaced);
    // Gets a frame by its number.
    var frame102 = file.Video.ReadFrame(frameNumber: 102);
    // Gets the frame at 5th second of the video.
    var frame5s = file.Video.ReadFrame(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
  • Encode video from images.

    // You can set there codec, bitrate, framerate and many other options.
    var settings = new VideoEncoderSettings(width: 1920, height: 1080);
    var file = new MediaBuiler(@"C:\videos\example.mp4").WithVideo(settings).Create();
    while(file.Video.FramesCount < 300)


  • Install the FFMediaToolkit package from NuGet.

    dotnet add package FFMediaToolkit
    PM> Install-Package FFMediaToolkit

FFmpeg libraries are not included with the package. To use FFMediaToolkit, you need the lastest FFmpeg (>= v4.2) shared build binaries. You can download it from the Zeranoe FFmpeg site or build your own.

FFmpeg libraries must have the same architecture as your project. If you want to use 64-bit FFmpeg, you should disable the Build -> Prefer 32-bit option in Visual Studio project properties.

  • Required FFmpeg binaries (dll/so/dylib):

    • avcodec v58
    • avformat v58
    • avutil v56
    • swresample v3
    • swscale v5
  • FFmpeg setup:

    • Windows - Place the binaries in the .\ffmpeg\x86\ (32 bit) and .\ffmpeg\x86_64\(64bit) in the application output directory.
    • Linux - FFmpeg is pre-installed on many desktop Linux systems. The default path is /usr/lib/x86 (_64) -linux-gnu/.
    • MacOS - You can install FFmpeg via MacPorts or download .dylib files from the Zeranoe site. The default path is /opt/local/lib/.

    If you want to use other directory, you can specify a path to it by the MediaToolkit.FFmpegPath property.


FFMediaToolkit uses the lightweight ref struct ImageData for bitmap images. It uses the Span<byte> for pixels data. It is stack-only type, so it can't be stored in a class field. ImageData can be converted to any other graphics object that supports creation from Span<byte>, byte array or memory pointer.

Example ImageData conversion methods

        public static Image<Bgr24> ToImage(this ImageData imageData)
            return Image.LoadPixelData<Bgr24>(imageData.Data, imageData.ImageSize.Width, imageData.ImageSize.Height);
  • For GDI+ System.Drawing.Bitmap:

    // ImageData -> Bitmap (unsafe)
    public static unsafe Bitmap ToBitmap(this ImageData bitmap)
        fixed(byte* = bitmap.Data)
            return new Bitmap(bitmap.ImageSize.Width, bitmap.ImageSize.Height, bitmap.Stride, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, new IntPtr(bitmap.Data));
    // Bitmap -> ImageData (safe)
    public static ImageData ToImageData(this Bitmap bitmap)
        var rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bitmap.Size);
        var bitLock = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
        var bitmapData = ImageData.FromPointer(bitLock.Scan0, bitmap.Size, ImagePixelFormat.Bgr24);
        return bitmapData;
  • For WPF's System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource:

    // ImageData -> BitmapSource (unsafe)
    public static unsafe BitmapSource ToBitmap(this ImageData bitmapData)
        fixed(byte* ptr = bitmapData.Data)
            return BitmapSource.Create(bitmapData.ImageSize.Width, bitmapData.ImageSize.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, new IntPtr(ptr), bitmapData.Data.Length, bitmapData.Stride);
    // BitmapSource -> ImageData (safe)
    public static ImageData ToImageData(this BitmapSource bitmap)
        var wb = new WriteableBitmap(bitmap);
        return ImageData.FromPointer(wb.BackBuffer, ImagePixelFormat.Bgra32, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight);


This project is licensed under the MIT license.