
cryptoconditions lib built as js wasm module for use in browser or nodejs apps

Primary LanguageRust

Notes on 'cryptoconditions' library

This is the 'cryptoconditions' library for Komodo cc modules development.

Dev language: rust, with wasm support

For use in a js app this lib could be compiled as a wasm module with the wasm-pack, use this cmd to build a wasm:

wasm-pack build --target nodejs

See pkg/cryptoconditions_bs.js for supported javascript cryptoconditions api.

Use as a global module

To add the wasm to your nodejs project first make it as a global node module:

cd ~/your-repo-dir/cryptoconditions-js/cryptoconditions/pkg
npm link -g

then make a link to the global npm module for your project

cd ~/your-project-dir
npm link cryptoconditions

Use as a local module

Add a link to this repo into your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "cryptoconditions-js": "git+https://github.com/dimxy/cryptoconditions-js.git#master",

Use in browser

To use the cryptoconditions wasm in browser:

  • Build a wasm with wasm-pack build cmd
  • Use browserify tool to create a js module usable in a web app