Bargain Marketplace (Front End)

Bargain is an online marketplace that allows businesses to sell, market and showcase their products. It also offers individuals the opportunity to buy products from the platform easily and securely.


  • Create a new account.
  • Login to your account.
  • Add/Edit/remove Items to your account to be sold specifying the needed price.
  • Deposit Cash into your account to purchase items.
  • Search for items for sale by other users.
  • Purchase item from another user, transfers money from your account to his account and transfers the item from your account to his account.
  • View your account info such as current cash balance, a list of purchased items, a list of sold items and items have not been sold yet.
  • Mange inventory of the items.
  • Allow other stores to sell your products.
  • Allow you to sell the products of other stores.
  • Generate different kinds of reports such as reports about the transactions performed on the systems.


To run the code locally:
In CMD run the following commands:

npm i


npm start
