- Clone or Download the project/app from Github or any other sources
- If using Visual Studio Code / Insiders, open Command panel/terminal from menu: View -> Terminal (shortcut key is
CTRL + BackTick
) - Go inside the project/app directory, command:
cd _examples-angular-peopleapp OR cd appName
- Run command:
npm install
to install project/app dependencies(node_modules)
- To Build and run Angular App, command:
ng serve / npm start
ORng serve -o
ORng serve --open
- To change the port from 4200 to other port - type command:
ng serve --port 5000
- To check the application in browser type path/URL:
localhost:4200 / 5000
A basic Angular Application/Demo example for beginners - will learn Angular Component, Directives like *ngFor, *ngIf, Data Binding & Interpolation, Routing & Navigation, HTTP-HTTPClient Service etc.