Coinmena Test

Question: Write an API using Django that fetches the price of BTC/USD from the alphavantage API every hour, and stores it on postgres. This API must be secured meaning that you need an API key to use it. There should be two endpoints: GET /api/v1/quotes - returns exchange rate and POST /api/v1/quotes which triggers force requesting of the price from alphavantage. The API & DB should be containerized using Docker as well.- Every part should be as simple as possible.

  • The project should be committed to GitHub.
  • The sensitive data such as alphavantage API key, should be passed from the .env “gitignored” file via environment variables.


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Run the docker container
cd coinmena
docker-compose up -d

Generating/Getting API token

  1. Generate API token
curl -X POST -d "{\"key_name\": \"dummy\"}" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/api-key/
  1. Get already created API token
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/api-key/?key_name=dummy

Getting exchange rate

  1. Get exchange rate
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Api-Key <API_KEY>" -d "{\"from_currency\": \"USD\", \"to_currency\": \"JPY\"}" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/quotes/
  1. Get current exchange rate
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Api-Key <API_KEY>" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/quotes/?from_currency=USD&to_currency=JPY

Generating exchange rate every hour

We created a celery beat periodic task to populate exchange rate every hour. We used redis as the message broker for celery

How to run celery beat and celery worker manually

celery -A coinmena beat -l info
celery -A coinmena worker -l info


  1. Without Authorization exchange rate API will return error. Authorization API_KEY can be generated as the above steps
  2. docker-compose command will run celery tasks also along with web.