Toasty Mostly

Toasty Mostly is a simple and straightforward JavaScript function for Bootstrap 4 and jQuery to ease toast management.

Quick Start

    <link href="/path/to/bootstrap-4.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="/path/to/bootstrap-4.js"></script>
    <script src="/path/to/toastyMostly/dist/toastyMostly.min/js"></script>
    let toasty = toastyMostly({delay:2000, autohide:true, animation:true});
    let toastId = toasty.send({'title':'Saving','body': 'The system is saving your last action.', 'time': 'Just now'});
        toasty.update(toastId, {'title':'Saving','body': 'The system is STILL saving your last action.', 'time': '2 secs ago'});
    }, 2000);


Options to configure toastyMostly can be passed in at point of requesting an area.

The default values are:

let toastyMostlyConfig = {
    animation: true,
    autohide: true,
    delay: 2000,
    style: {
        'position': 'fixed', 
        'top': '100px', 
        'right': '0', 
        'height': '0', 
        'z-index': '2000', 
        'width': '250px'

Constructor Options:

  • animation
    • Default: true
    • Apply a CSS fade transition to the toast
  • autohide
    • Default true
    • Auto hide the toast
  • delay
    • Default: 2000
    • Delay hiding the toast (ms)
  • style
    • Default: {'position':'fixed', 'top':'100px', 'right':'0', 'height':'0', 'z-index':'2000', 'width':'250px'}
    • A key value pair object for assigning CSS properties to the toasts.

Sending a toast:

After construction of toastyMostly, you don't have to provide any config options from that point onwards.

To use toastyMostly again, simply call toastyMostly() (without any configuration parameters) and the existing instance will be used.

If you're interested in where the instance is stored, it's in window._toastyMostly.

let myToastId = toasty.send(
        title: null, // Required, the title of the toast
        body: null, // Required, the body of the toast
        time: null, // Optional, a string to show on the right of the header, for example '11 mins ago'
        class: null,  // Optional, default null, a custom class name (or class names) to assign to this toast.
        id: null, // Optional, default null, a custom ID to assign to this toast.
        closeBtn: false, // Optional, default false, whether to show a close button on the toast.
        append: true, // Optional, default true, whether to append or prepend (bottom or top) this toast to the current list.
        animation: true, // Optional, overrides the value passed into the constructor.
        autohide: true, // Optional, overrides the value passed into the constructor.
        delay: 2000 // Optional, overrides the value passed into the constructor.

Updating an existing toast:

Updating an existing toast will only occur if you provide either the title, body or time. If you want a value to remain unchanged, omit it or assign it the value of `null.

Please note: If you're trying to update the time value then you would have needed to assign a time at the point of send(). If you don't need one when first sending the toast, assign the value of ''

        title: null, // Required, the title of the toast
        body: null, // Required, the body of the toast
        time: null, // Optional, a string to show on the right of the header, for example '11 mins ago'
        addClass: null, // Optional, a custom class name (or class names) to add to this toast.
        removeClass: null // Optional, a custom class name (or class names) to remove to this toast.

Removing a toast manually:

Removing a toast will immediately call hide against the toast and remove any hidden


Use case example:

let toasty = toastyMostly(
        autohide: false // persist this toast.
let toastId = toasty.send(
        'title': 'Saving',
        'body': 'The system is saving your last action.',
        'class': 'isInProgress isPending', // An initial couple of classes to style the toast as in progress
        'time': '', // We want to add the element, but don't set a value.
        'closeBtn': false // We don't want a close button

setTimeout(function() {
            'title': 'Save error',
            'body': 'The system failed to save your last action. Possible reasons are<br />&middot; The server errored.<br />&middot; The data was invalid.',
            'time': 'Just now', // set the time to now
            'addClass': 'isFailed', // Add a class for failure
            'removeClass': 'isInProgress isPending' // Remove the 2 initial classes
}, 2000);

setTimeout(function() {
            'time': '2 seconds ago'
}, 4000);

setTimeout(function() {
            'title': 'Change the title',
            'body': '... and the body.',
            'time': '2 seconds ago'
}, 4000);

setTimeout(function() {
    // Hide the toast eventually.
}, 8000);