
A plugin based on jQuery to add floating share and contact buttons to your website.

Check out the demo to see it in action!


1. Installation

  1. Head over to the releases section
  2. Download
  3. Extract the ZIP archive and locate the jquery.socialfloating.js and jquery.socialfloating.min.js files
    • Use jquery.socialfloating.js if you want to snoop around in the code
    • Use jquery.socialfloating.min.js for deployment, because it has a smaller file size
  4. Copy the file of your choice into your project

2. Preparation

Include the script like any other Javascript library: <script src="path/to/jquery.socialfloating.js"></script>

3. Run socialfloating.js

You can call the socialfloating.js main function, using the default parameters or your own ones.


4. Configuration

Load socialfloating.js and configure the bar:

	theme: 'light',
	opaque: false,
	effect: null,
	icons: 'fontawesome5',
	showHidebutton: true,
	container: 'socialfloating',
	position: 'left',
	buttons: [
			enabled: true,
			icon: 'fas fa-facebook-square',
			name: 'facebook',
			link: '',
			title: 'Visit us on Facebook',
			color: '#3b5998'

You can use an array of objects in the buttons property to group buttons

Configuration options

key type default value values
theme string 'light' 'light' / 'dark' / 'gray' / 'color'
opaque boolean false true / false
effect string null null / 'scroll'
icons string 'fontawesome5' 'fontawesome5' / 'fontawesome4' / 'semanticui'
showHideButton boolean true true / false
container string socialfloating any
position string 'left' left / right
buttons array<object> / array<buttons> null [ buttons.button ] / [ buttons ]
buttons.button object { icon: buttons.button.icon, enabled: buttons.button.enabled, link: }
buttons.button.icon string Valid HTML class from icons property
buttons.button.enabled boolean true true / false string # Valid URL
buttons.button.title string Escaped string
buttons.button.color string #8e8e93 Valid CSS color


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Copyright © 2020 Ixtli Studios.