
Microsoft Azure Associate Study Guide (AZ-100 & AZ-101)


Microsoft Azure Associate Study Guide (AZ-100 & AZ-101)

What are we doing? We are publishing the lab instructions and lab files on GitHub to allow for effective learning. We hope this will help to keep people to understand the Azure technology.

There are other study materials that can help you attain your desired AZ-100: https://github.com/Paulooma/Azure-Associate-Study-Guide/wiki https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/ https://cloudsociety.microsoft.com/ https://www.pluralsight.com/partners/microsoft/azure https://www.udemy.com/user/scottduffy2/ https://pixelrobots.co.uk/ https://gregorsuttie.com/ https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-az-100.aspx Within each repository there are lab guides in PDF format. If appropriate, there are accompanying zipped files with any additional files that are needed to complete the lab. Not every course has a zipped file.

To conduct these labs, you will need an internet connection and an Azure subscription. Please read the Instructor Prep Guide for more information on using the Cloud Shell.

How are we doing?

If as you are learning these courses, you identify areas for improvement, please use the Issues tab to provide feedback. We hope using this GitHub repository brings a sense of collaboration to the labs and improves the overall quality of the lab experience.

Regards, Paul Oyemakinwa