"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler

Event App

This is a project where we can add the event to track it. In this project, I used the Laravel framework, Inertia.js, and Vue.js.


You can install the project by clone:

git clone https://github.com/dineshuprety/event-app.git

Run the project

create file named ".env" add copy the content of .env.example and change


so on as required for starting above mention will do the job. Hopfully you have install composer and npm in your device

Run Command :

 Composer install
 // To migrate databse tables
 php artisan migrate

To disrupt the project's flow, I created a factory for rambling data. You just need to seed the data.

php artisan db:seed

I write a Laravel command to update the previous end event's status to "finished." After seeding data you need to run this command. To run this command directly in the terminal:

php artisan event:update

This command was registered in Laravel Task Scheduling. It will run on the server at the end of each Nepal time period. To run this command in the terminal:

php artisan schedule:work

// we can list the registered scheduling
php artisan schedule:list

To install all the dependency packages for vue js and tailwind css, you need to run this command:

// To install the packages
 npm install

After installing dependencies, you need to run vite. To run vite, you need to type:

// To run the npm
  npm run dev

At last you need to serve the laravel project: Now serve:

php artisan ser


composer test

Have Good day developer and Happy Coding.