
First challenge I'll attempt from front-end mentor, I want to work my way through all their html & css projects.

Primary LanguageCSS

Frontend Mentor - Order summary card solution

This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See hover states for interactive elements



  •     [Live Site URL](https://dinesvlarsen.github.io/01-order-summary-component/)

My process

I started with getting all the content on the page with HTML, then I grouped the contents in containers (Ended up adding some extra ones later when I started with the layout).

Also had to find a font that resembled the design font, ended up going for roboto, which wasn't a perfect match but close enough for me. Considering I'm not 100% focused on having it pixel perfect since I'm mainly doing the challenge to familiarize myself with HTML & CSS.

When everything was grouped I started applying some basic styles, like background colors, colors, font sizes etc.

And when everything was grouped I focused on laying the contents out properly, by using a lot of flex-box, margins and paddings (honestly think I could have accomplished a lot of the things I was doing a lot more efficiently, and with less code. But I kind of lacked a plan before I went into the whole thing and just tried my way forward.)

I am pretty happy with the result, but think the execution could be better, with a better execution I'm sure the implementation would improve as well since the code would be better organized and easier to work with.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Web-first workflow (which I regret)

What I learned

Was struggling with centering the entire component to the page, but apparently that was because there was no set height applied to one of the containers, once it got a height it worked fine.

Also learned about the background-image properties: background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; (Was struggling with the background not reaching the entire width of my window, background-size fixed that issue)

Continued development

Did not take a mobile first approach on this, and I'm pretty sure doing so would help with the responsiveness of it.

I'd like to have the future pages be a bit more responsive and have the mobile design a bit more exact.

Would also like to master using rems and ems, max-width and min-widths, since I believe these units will help a lot with responsiveness as well.

Css-grid could also be a cool tool to add in my tool-box in the future.

My semantic HTML also needs a bit of work, I'm probably not using the best tags for the different content on the page, which in reality would hurt its SEO and accessibility.



Want to thank @Manas Khandelwal and @/^([THICC]{5})=>$/ from Jonas Schmedtmanns discord channel for helping me figure out why I couldn't center the component in the middle of the page.

And ofc Frontendmentor for providing the challenge.