
Animation tools for RE Engine games.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Maya tool allows you to import animations and cameras from RE Engine games into Maya. It currently supports Resident Evil 2 Remake (RE2R), Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3R) and Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5).


7th March 2021 (v0.1):

  • can now import cameras


Tool has been tested on Maya 2020.4

Get the game files with REtool.

To export animation you need the appropriate model in the scene from one of the RE Engine games. Get the models with the noesis script and import them into Maya using FBX:

Noesis Script Download

If you don't want seams on your model try this mel command before you import

FBXProperty "Import|IncludeGrp|Geometry|OverrideNormalsLock" -v 1


  1. Drag and drop the "install.mel" file onto the Maya viewport.

  2. Click the RE Engine icon that appears on the shelf to run.

Manual Installation

Add src/RE_Engine folder to your maya scripts directory, start Maya and run the following code in the Python script editor.

import RE_Engine


PredatorCZ for creating the RevilMax importer for 3ds Max.

alphaZ, Che and Jackal for their contributions to the 010 Editor Motlist Template and Motlist Tool which this tool is based on.