# record all the topics(not recommended, the data volume is large)
rosbag record -O xxx.bag -a
# record the specified topic
rosbag record -O xxx.bag /depth_to_rgb/image_raw /rgb/image_raw
- put the directory
, then compilecatkin_make
; - run
to start ROS_MASTER server; - run
run.sh $path
to create directory and .txt files and startsave_rgbd_from_k4a
node (for example, we set the path as~/001
bash run.sh ~/001
this node extracts the timestamp, rgb image & depth image from the rosbag file, saves the info into .txt file
- then, run the rosbag play command
# -r: specify the play speed
rosbag play xxx.bag -r 0.5
Note that converting CV_16UC1 to CV_32FC1 requires to divide by 1000 to keep the accuracy.
k4a_result_t K4AROSDevice::renderDepthToROS(sensor_msgs::ImagePtr& depth_image, k4a::image& k4a_depth_frame)
cv::Mat depth_frame_buffer_mat(k4a_depth_frame.get_height_pixels(), k4a_depth_frame.get_width_pixels(), CV_16UC1, k4a_depth_frame.get_buffer());
cv::Mat new_image(k4a_depth_frame.get_height_pixels(), k4a_depth_frame.get_width_pixels(), CV_32FC1);
depth_frame_buffer_mat.convertTo(new_image, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 1000.0f);
depth_image = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1, new_image).toImageMsg();
associate the rgb image and depth image according to the timestamp, generate the associate.txt file, find the corresponding rgb & depth, rename and copy them into the matched folder
python3 associate.py ~/001
Note: this is modified according to TUM RGB-D Benchmark associate.py