
H5S is a HTML5 streaming server, HTML5 RTSP Gateway

Primary LanguageC

H5S is a HTML5 streaming server

Features list

Native HTML5 player, no plug-in.
Support RTSP stream input, convert RTSP H264 into HTML5 Media Source Extensions H264
Support Websocket 
Support video encryption by Websocket over SSL
Don't need transcoding.
Low latency, in Chrome Firefox and safari the best latency is 300ms(1080P)
API for embedded device Raw H264 stream input.
Chrome & safari Hardware decoding support.


HEVC for MS Edge support.
4K video source testing.

Browser support

Firefox 49+
Chrome 49+
OSX Safari 9.1+
MS Edge 14+
Opera 41+
Android 4.4.4+


Usage ./h5ss url user passwd (./h5ss rtsp:// admin admin), then open the browser with the url(in the hss console)


For more guide http://veyesys.com/

Mail : support@veyesys.com

Skype : xsmart@veyesys.com

QQ : 2104915834