- 2
SAM2 see see?
#53 opened by julinfn - 6
required cuda version
#52 opened by Wuwang777 - 0
- 1
- 1
efficeientsam support
#46 opened by zpge - 1
- 1
automatic segmentation error
#49 opened by ygt7r21999 - 0
RobustSAM Request
#50 opened by umitkacar - 1
- 0
can not find mobile_sam when using import mobile_sam as SAM in
#45 opened by zpge - 2
Segment Anything CPP Wrapper for macOS
#26 opened by ryouchinsa - 3
- 2
Support for Text Prompt
#43 opened by a333klm - 2
Support EdgeSam
#42 opened by sctrueew - 3
What should I do if the input size of the modified image is 640x480, and the obtained mask cannot coincide with the original image?
#40 opened by xiangw369 - 1
Image input 320x240
#41 opened by IuliuNovac - 1
opencv2/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory
#39 opened by Mareeta26 - 3
help!!! I use it as this,but get error:not enough space: expected 4194304, got 0. My memory is enough.What's wrong?
#31 opened by yjl617 - 1
cuda mode problem
#38 opened by SmalWhite - 1
- 4
mask has Y offset, why cause that ?
#36 opened by LightSun - 2
Why I don't get as good results as you do in the python environment, I'm curious to know how you did it and what tips you have.
#35 opened by Dkwda - 3
Add Sam-HQ support?
#13 opened by twardoch - 0
cuda issue
#21 opened by lixinye666 - 2
bash ./vcpkg install opencv:x64-windows gflags:x64-windows onnxruntime-gpu:x64-windows An error occurred mounting one of your file systems. Please run 'dmesg' for more details.
#15 opened by lixinye666 - 0
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C4996 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. samdo d:\segment-anything-cpp-wrapper-1.4.1\cpp\segment-anything-cpp-wrapper-1.4.1\build\vcpkg\packages\opencv4_x64-windows\include\opencv2\flann\saving.h 101
#18 opened by lixinye666 - 4
#20 opened by lixinye666 - 4
- 2
How to change the image size, still only 1024x720?
#33 opened by yjl617 - 1
can run in cpu?
#32 opened by stuafu - 1
Can you show all the test project code.I cann't run in my compute after I create a new project and and test.cpp into project.
#28 opened by yjl617 - 2
- 4
- 0
#27 opened by lixinye666 - 0
#24 opened by lixinye666 - 0
#23 opened by lixinye666 - 0
#22 opened by lixinye666 - 1
- 1
CMake Error
#17 opened by lixinye666 - 1
#16 opened by kc-w - 4
build failed
#7 opened by qnmts - 0
hi which file name is sam_cpp_test ?
#14 opened by lixinye666 - 1
add FastSAM support?
#12 opened by julinfn - 3
mobile sam onnx model does not work
#11 opened by julinfn - 3
- 3
MobileSAM onnx model input type?
#9 opened by OroChippw - 1
Loading data takes too long.
#8 opened by Ntccsa - 7
mask from box
#6 opened by bnascimento - 1
automatic mode
#5 opened by bnascimento - 1
multiple points?
#4 opened by bnascimento