This project provide a plugin for Gephi to load graphic data processed by Vertica database.
Gephi is a fast, simple and modular open-source tool for visualizing and manipulating large graphs. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
You can download the latest version of binary, or build it from the source code, than install it in Gephi.
Java 1.8
[Optional] Apache Maven version 3.2.2 or later for build from source code.
[Optional] Vertica JDBC driver in maven repository for build from source code.
$ wget -O /tmp/vertica-jdbc-10.0.0-0.jar $ mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.vertica -DartifactId=vertica-jdbc -Dversion=10.0.0-0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -Dfile=/tmp/vertica-jdbc-10.0.0-0.jar $ rm /tmp/vertica-jdbc-10.0.0-0.jar
You will get binary under [target/] after correctly running following commands under top of souce code tree.
$ git clone
$ cd vertica4gephi/
$ mvn clean package
$ ls -l target/*.nbm
- open Gephi application.
- open menu "Tools - Plugins", choose table "Downloaded".
- click button "Add Plugins", choose the binary file download or built from source code, and click "Ok" for flowing wizard.
- open menu "File - Import Database - Edge List...", choose "Vertica Database" for driver, input properties and SQLs to connect and retrive nodes/edges.