
Python command-line client for put.io

put.io client

This is a put.io client for the command line, written in Python.


  • Browse your put.io storage
  • Download individual files
  • Recursively download a directory and its contents, reproducing the structure locally
  • Delete files/folders
  • Create directories
  • Add transfers from URL(s)
  • Resumable downloads


Set up the file ~/.config/putio-cli/config, with the following contents:



The [download] section is optional, and is used only to retrieve files. If you do not download files using putio-cli, then you don't need to fill this section in.


The various subcommands are shown below:

  • putio-cli info displays information about your account, including available/total disk space and bandwidth
  • putio-cli add <url> [<url>...] will tell put.io to download from one or more URLs (either files or torrents)
  • putio-cli add accepts text containing one or more URLs on standard input, and instructs put.io to download them all
  • putio-cli ls <path> displays an ls-style directory listing of the given path
  • putio-cli geturl <file> displays the download URL for the given file
  • putio-cli get <file> downloads the file to the current directory
  • putio-cli get <dir> downloads the entire remote directory and all of its contents to a subfolder of the current directory
  • putio-cli mkdir <path> creates the given directory on put.io
  • putio-cli rm <path> deletes the given remote path WITHOUT CONFIRMATION.


# Download a single file to the current directory
putio-cli get '/Films/My.Favourite.Film.avi'

# Download an entire directory, creating "Some Show" and everything below
# it inside the current directory
putio-cli get '/TV/Some Show'
# ... later ...
ls './Some Show/'
# your files and folders

Bugs and Limitations

  • No support for moving/renaming files or folders (yet)
  • Not very user-friendly to set up
  • When resuming a file download, it doesn't tell you how much has been completed already -- just how much is left
  • Only supports downloading to the current directory
  • Fairly poor error handling


Dave Ingram