
Image loading, processing, caching and preheating

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Loading, processing, caching and preheating images. To get started check out http://kean.github.io/Nuke

var request = ImageRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://..."))
request.targetSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200) // Resize image
request.processor = ImageFilterGaussianBlur() // Apply image filter

Nuke.taskWith(request) { response in
    let image = response.image


  • User-friendly API, zero configuration required
  • Performant, asynchronous, thread safe
  • Nuke is a pipeline with injectable dependencies
  • Alamofire and FLAnimatedImage plugins
  • Extensions for UI components
  • Two cache layers including auto purging memory cache
  • Protocol for integrating any third-party caching library
  • Automates image preheating (precaching)
  • Create, compose and apply image filters
  • Background image decompression
  • Simple Core Image integration
  • iOS 8.0+ / watchOS 2.0+ / OS X 10.9+ / tvOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+, Swift 2.2+

Getting Started



Creating Image Task

Loading an image is as simple as creating and resuming an ImageTask. Nuke is thread safe, you can freely create and resume tasks from any thread. The completion closure is called on the main thread.

Nuke.taskWith(NSURL(URL: "http://...")!) {
    let image = $0.image

Adding Request Options

Each ImageTask is created with an ImageRequest which contains request parameters. An ImageRequest can be initialized either with NSURL or NSURLRequest.

var request = ImageRequest(URLRequest: NSURLRequest(NSURL(URL: "http://...")!))

// Set target size (in pixels) and content mode that describe how to resize loaded image
request.targetSize = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 400.0)
request.contentMode = .AspectFill

// Set filter (more on filters later)
request.processor = ImageFilterGaussianBlur()

// Control memory caching
request.memoryCacheStorageAllowed = true // true is default
request.memoryCachePolicy = .ReloadIgnoringCachedImage // Force reload

// Change the priority of the underlying NSURLSessionTask
request.priority = NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh

Nuke.taskWith(request) {
    // - Image is resized to fill target size
    // - Blur filter is applied
    let image = $0.image

Processed images are stored into memory cache. Next time you start the same request the completion will be called synchronously.

Using Image Response

The response passed into the completion closure is represented by an ImageResponse enum. It has two states: Success and Failure. Each state has some values associated with it.

Nuke.taskWith(request) { response in
    switch response {
    case let .Success(image, info):
        if (info.isFastResponse) {
            // Image was returned from the memory cache
    case let .Failure(error):
        // Handle error

Using Image Task

ImageTask is your primary interface for controlling the image load. Task is always in one of four states: Suspended, Running, Cancelled or Completed. The task is always created in a Suspended state. You can use the corresponding resume() and cancel() methods to control the task's state. It's always safe to call these methods, no matter in which state the task is currently in.

let task = Nuke.taskWith(imageURL).resume()
print(task.state) // Prints "Running"

// Cancels the image load, task completes with an error ImageManagerErrorCode.Cancelled

You can also use ImageTask to monitor load progress.

let task = Nuke.taskWith(imageURL).resume()
print(task.progress) // The initial progress is (completed: 0, total: 0)

// Add progress handler which gets called periodically on the main thread
task.progressHandler = { progress in
   // Update progress

// Task represents an image promise
// It allows you to add multiple completion handlers, even when the task is completed
task.completion {
    let image = $0.image

Using UI Extensions

Nuke provides UI extensions to make image loading as simple as possible.

let imageView = UIImageView()

// Loads and displays an image for the given URL
// Previously started requests are cancelled
let task = imageView.nk_setImageWith(NSURL(URL: "http://...")!)
// let task = imageView.nk_setImageWith(ImageRequest(...))

You have extra control over loading via ImageViewLoadingOptions. If allows you to provide custom animations, override the completion handler, etc.

let imageView = UIImageView()
let request = ImageRequest(URLRequest: NSURLRequest(NSURL(URL: "http://...")!))

var options = ImageViewLoadingOptions()
options.handler = {
    // The `ImageViewLoading` protocol controls the task
    // You handle its completion
let task = imageView.nk_setImageWith(request, options: )

Adding UI Extensions

Nuke makes it extremely easy to add image loading extensions to custom UI components. Those methods are provided by ImageLoadingView protocol. This protocol is actually a trait - most of methods are already implemented. All you need is to implement one required method to make your custom views conform to ImageLoadingView protocol.

You can do so by either implementing ImageDisplayingView protocol:

extension MKAnnotationView: ImageDisplayingView, ImageLoadingView {
    // That's it, you get default implementation of all methods in ImageLoadingView protocol
    public func nk_displayImage(image: Image?) {
        self.image = image

Or providing an implementation for remaining ImageLoadingView methods:

extension MKAnnotationView: ImageLoadingView {
    public func nk_imageTask(task: ImageTask, didFinishWithResponse response: ImageResponse, options: ImageViewLoadingOptions) {
        // Handle task completion


When you display a collection of images it becomes quite tedious to manage tasks associated with image cells. Nuke takes care of all the complexity for you:

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(cellReuseID, forIndexPath: indexPath)
    let imageView: ImageView = <#view#>
    imageView.image = nil
    return cell

Applying Filters

Nuke defines a simple ImageProcessing protocol that represents image filters. It takes just a couple line of code to create your own filters. You can also compose multiple filters together using ImageProcessorComposition class.

let filter1: ImageProcessing = <#filter#>
let filter2: ImageProcessing = <#filter#>

var request = ImageRequest(URL: <#image_url#>)
request.processor = ImageProcessorComposition(processors: [filter1, filter2])

Nuke.taskWith(request) {
    // Filters are applied, processed image is stored into memory cache
    let image = $0.image

Creating Filters

ImageProcessing protocol consists of two methods: one to process the image and one to compare two (heterogeneous) filters. Here's an example of custom image filter that uses Core Image. For more info see Core Image Integration Guide.

public class ImageFilterGaussianBlur: ImageProcessing {
    public let radius: Int
    public init(radius: Int = 8) {
        self.radius = radius

    public func process(image: UIImage) -> UIImage? {
        // The `applyFilter` function is not shipped with Nuke.
        return image.applyFilter(CIFilter(name: "CIGaussianBlur", withInputParameters: ["inputRadius" : self.radius]))

// We need to compare filters to identify cached images
public func ==(lhs: ImageFilterGaussianBlur, rhs: ImageFilterGaussianBlur) -> Bool {
    return lhs.radius == rhs.radius

Preheating Images

Preheating is an effective way to improve user experience in applications that display collections of images. Preheating means loading and caching images that might soon appear on the display. Nuke provides a set of self-explanatory methods for image preheating which are inspired by PHImageManager:

let requests = [ImageRequest(URL: imageURL1), ImageRequest(URL: imageURL2)]
Nuke.startPreheatingImages(requests: requests)
Nuke.stopPreheatingImages(requests: requests)

Automating Preheating

Nuke can be used in conjuction with Preheat package which automates precaching of content in UICollectionView and UITableView. For more info see Image Preheating Guide, Nuke's demo project, and Preheat documentation.

let preheater = PreheatControllerForCollectionView(collectionView: <#collectionView#>)
preheater.delegate = self // Signals when preheat index paths change

Caching Images

Nuke provides both on-disk and in-memory caching.

For on-disk caching it relies on NSURLCache. The NSURLCache is used to cache original image data downloaded from the server. This class a part of the URL Loading System's cache management, which relies on HTTP cache.

As an alternative to NSURLCache Nuke provides an ImageDiskCaching protocol that allows you to easily integrate any third-party caching library.

For on-memory caching Nuke provides ImageMemoryCaching protocol and its implementation in ImageMemoryCache class built on top of NSCache. The ImageMemoryCache is used for fast access to processed images that are ready for display.

The combination of two cache layers results in a high performance caching system. For more info see Image Caching Guide which provides a comprehensive look at HTTP cache, URL Loading System and NSCache.

Accessing Memory Cache

Nuke automatically leverages both its cache layers. It accesses in-memory cache each time you start an ImageTask and calls a completion closure synchronously if the image is found.

If you need to access memory cache directly you can use ImageManager:

let manager = ImageManager.shared
let request = ImageRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)
let response = ImageCachedResponse(image: UIImage(), userInfo: nil)
manager.storeResponse(response, forRequest: request)
let cachedResponse = manager.cachedResponseForRequest(request)

Nuke.taskWith(_:) family of functions are just shortcuts for methods of the ImageManager class.

Customizing Image Manager

One of the great things about Nuke is that it is a pipeline that loads images using injectable dependencies. These protocols are used to customize that pipeline:

Protocol Description
ImageDataLoading Performs loading of image data (NSData)
ImageDecoding Decodes NSData to UIImage objects
ImageMemoryCaching Stores processed images into memory cache
ImageDiskCaching Stores data into disk cache

You can either provide your own implementation of these protocols or customize existing classes that implement them. After you have all the dependencies in place you can create an `ImageManager`:
let dataLoader: ImageDataLoading = <#dataLoader#>
let decoder: ImageDecoding = <#decoder#>
let cache: ImageMemoryCaching = <#cache#>

let configuration = ImageManagerConfiguration(dataLoader: dataLoader, decoder: decoder, cache: cache)
ImageManager.shared = ImageManager(configuration: configuration)

If even those protocols are not enough, you can take a look at the ImageLoading protocol. It provides a high level API for loading images. This protocol is implemented by the ImageLoader class that defines a common flow of loading images (load data -> decode -> process) and uses the corresponding ImageDataLoading, ImageDiskCaching, ImageDecoding and ImageProcessing protocols.

let loader: ImageLoading = <#loader#>
let cache: ImageMemoryCaching = <#cache#>

// The ImageManagerConfiguration(dataLoader:decoder:cache:) constructor is actually
// just a convenience initializer that creates an instance of ImageLoader class
let configuration = ImageManagerConfiguration(loader: loader, cache: cache)
ImageManager.shared = ImageManager(configuration: configuration)


Protocol Description
ImageManager A top-level API for managing images
ImageDataLoading Performs loading of image data (NSData)
ImageDecoding Converts NSData to UIImage objects
ImageProcessing Processes decoded images
ImageMemoryCaching Stores processed images into memory cache
ImageDiskCaching Stores data into disk cache


To install Nuke add a dependency to your Podfile:

# source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
# use_frameworks!
# platform :ios, "8.0" / :watchos, "2.0" / :osx, "10.9" / :tvos, "9.0"

pod "Nuke"
pod "Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin" # optional
pod "Nuke-AnimatedImage-Plugin" # optional

To install Nuke add a dependency to your Cartfile:

github "kean/Nuke"
github "kean/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin" # optional
github "kean/Nuke-AnimatedImage-Plugin" # optional


Import installed modules in your source files

import Nuke
import NukeAlamofirePlugin
import NukeAnimatedImagePlugin

Satellite Projects

  • Preheat - Automates preheating (precaching) of content in UITableView and UICollectionView
  • Nuke Alamofire Plugin - Alamofire plugin for Nuke that allows you to use Alamofire for networking
  • Nuke AnimatedImage Plugin - FLAnimatedImage plugin for Nuke that allows you to load and display animated GIFs



Nuke is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.