SNS-Based Promotion

In addition to traditional ways of getting and browsing interested information, this project did research and experiences on bringing users a new way of getting informed when new promotions come to the database. With pre-defined custom tags or other conditions, promotions will be pushed to users through their own channels. With all these new ideas, a goal was made to this project which is to design and implement a social network and location-based deals promotion system. A place where local business owners can post their latest deals to the local subscribers.


  • rails 4.0+
  • mongodb 3.0+
  • sunspot_rails 2.2+
  • mongoid 4.0+


bundle install


bundle exec rspec spec


rails s -e development -b -p 3000


This a persinal project which was started to improve the experience of browsing local deals. If you have better ideas or you want to make contribution to this project, please feel free to open an issue and make commits.


Copyright (c) 2016 Xizheng Ding

Released under the MIT license: