
🏖 A playground for Google APIs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google API Playground

My playground for Google's APIs.

My note.


How to use?

  1. npm i firstly
  2. Create a .env file containing all needed credentials.
  3. Create a service account > Download JSON file -- Follow these steps.
  4. (Optional) Create a folder (so that we work only on this folder instead of the whole organization)
  5. (Optional) Add a custom role on GCP Console (for organization) -- Understand roles.
  6. Set the corresponding role to the created service account (go to console)
  7. In .env, set the following variables: CLIENT_EMAIL, PRIVATE_KEY, ORGANIZATION_ID, FOLDER_ID, ...
  8. (optional) Comment/Uncomment lines in file credentials.js for a right credential.
  9. Normally, we should run node -r dotenv/config folder/file.js <paramerters>
  10. Depend on the files, you should modify the parameters inside these files.

Create a service account

This section is the basic steps for you to create a service accoutn (with neccessary roles) to play with SDK's APIs which requires the access of organization / folders.

  1. You have to have a domain and full access to DNS.

  2. Try 1 month free Google Workspace (from this, you will have an organization in GCP). 💡 TIP: After 1 month, you deactivate the subsription but the things on GCP witll work!

  3. (You may need to activate again the subscription on GCP with a free 300$). Don't worry, just a test, you lose nothing from this amount.

  4. Go to IAM, choose your organization > ADD > paste the admin email of your organization + set roles for it (Organization Administrator, Owner, Folder Creator). Without this step, you cannot create any folder/project.

  5. Go to Cloud Resource Manager > Create a new folder inside your organization.

  6. Go to APIs & Services / Credentials > Choose a project > Create Credentials > Service Account > Filling the information > Create and continue > Done. Don't forget to copy the email of this service account > Click on the link of that SA > Keys > Add key > Create a new key > JSON > Download a JSON file to your computer.

  7. Go to IAM again, this time, choose the fodler / organization you want above service account have the right to manage things > Add > Paste the email of the SA you created above > Set roles to it like Owner, Organization Administrator, Dialogflow API Admin, Project Creator, Project Deleter, Service Usage Admin (you can check the list of all roles here). You can even create your own custom roles.

  8. In order to created SA can use Resource Manager API, you have to activate it, otherwise, there will be an error like,

    7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Cloud Resource Manager API has not been used in project 1023630190150 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/overview?project=1023630190150 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

    You either use the link given in the error or using,

    node -r dotenv/config service-usage/enableService.js 1023630190150 cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com

    to activate the api.

  9. Now, your SA has the full access you want.

  10. On your computer, create a file .env withe the keys like in env.example.txt.

  11. You're good!