
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


The sfm-entry extension is a plugin for the sfm plugin that allows users to filter entries in the sfm explorer.


To install the sfm-entry extension, you will need to have the sfm plugin installed. You can then install the extension using your preferred plugin manager. For example, using packer.nvim:

  requires = {
    { "dinhhuy258/sfm-filter.nvim" },
  config = function()
    local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
    sfm_explorer:load_extension "sfm-filter"


The sfm-filter plugin provides the following configuration options:

local default_config = {
  show_hidden = false,
  ignore_names = {},
  mappings = {
    toggle_filter = { "." },

You can override the default configuration in load_extension method

sfm_explorer:load_extension("sfm-filter", {
  show_hidden = false,
  ignore_names = {
  mappings = {
    toggle_filter = { "." },