
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


The sfm-fm extension is a plugin for the sfm plugin that adds file management functionality to the sfm file explorer. With sfm-fm, you can easily create, delete, move, and rename files and directories within the sfm explorer.


Here is a short demonstration of the sfm-fs extension in action:



To install the sfm-fs extension, you will need to have the sfm plugin installed. You can then install the extension using your preferred plugin manager. For example, using packer.nvim:

  requires = {
    { "dinhhuy258/sfm-fs.nvim" },
  config = function()
    local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
    sfm_explorer:load_extension "sfm-fs"


The sfm-fs plugin provides the following configuration options:

local default_config = {
  view = {
    -- this option allows you to specify where to render the selection icon in the file explorer.
    -- the default value is `false`, which means the selection icon will be rendered before the entry name.
    -- if you set this option to `true`, the selection icon will be rendered in the Vim sign column.
    render_selection_in_sign = false,
  icons = {
    selection = "",
  mappings = {
    custom_only = false,
    list = {
      -- user mappings go here

You can override the default configuration in load_extension method

sfm_explorer:load_extension("sfm-fs", {
  view = {
    render_selection_in_sign = true,
  icons = {
    selection = "*",


To use the functionalities provided by the sfm-fs extension, you can use the following key bindings:

Key Action Description
n create Create a new file/directory in the current folder
c copy Copy the current file or directory to a destination path specified by the user
p copy_selections Copy all selected files or directories to the current folder
r move Move/rename the current file or directory
x move_selections Move all selected files or directories to the current folder
dd delete Delete the current file or directory
ds delete_selections Delete all selected files or directories
space toggle_selection Toggle the selection of the current file or directory
c-space clear_selections Clear all selections

You can customize these key bindings by defining action names in the mappings configuration option. For example:

sfm_explorer:load_extension("sfm-fs", {
  mappings = {
    list = {
        key = "l",
        action = "create",

Please note that if the action for a key is set to nil or an empty string, the default key binding for that key will be disabled. Also, ensure that the action provided is a valid function or action name, as listed in the above table.


The following highlight values are used in the sfm-fs extension:

  • SFMSelection: This highlight value is used to highlight the selection indicator of selected entries. The default color scheme for this highlight value is blue.


sfm-fs dispatches events whenever an action is made in the explorer. These events can be subscribed to through handler functions, allowing for even further customization of sfm.

Available events:

  • EntryCreated: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • path: The entry path of the deleted entry
  • EntryDeleted: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • path: The entry path of the newly created entry
  • EntryWillRename: Dispatched when a file/directory will be renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • from_path: The old path
    • to_path: The new path
  • EntryRenamed: Dispatched when a file/directory is renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • from_path: The old path
    • to_path: The new path

Here's an example of how you might use the API provided by the sfm plugin in your own extension or configuration file:

local sfm_fs_event = require("sfm.extensions.sfm-fs.event")

sfm_explorer:subscribe(sfm_fs_event.Event.EntryCreated, function(payload)
  -- handle the event here
  print("New entry created: " .. payload)