
Just a simple MySQL Federation for ext-lookup.


Build the application with mvn clean install. This will generate a target/keycloak-jh7-federation-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar file.

Copy the file to keycloak deployments: /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments/. Keycloak should be able to detect and deploy the jar file.


Following properties are provided:

  • Database Host: The hostname to connect to MySQL
  • Database Port: The port number to connect to MySQL
  • Database: The database which store the users table contain information
  • Database Username: The username with access to this database
  • Database Password: The password to login


  1. User listing:
$ SELECT phone as username, first_name as firstName, last_name as lastName from users
  1. User Login:
$ SELECT password FROM users WHERE phone = ?

Password is store as plain text.

TBD: Add more hashing function to support password encryption

Other features are omit, as this federation act as a read-only DB for listing and login only.

  • Update user
  • Create user
  • Delete user
  • Change password for user