
A Python implementation of Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering algorithm for Indonesian language

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering

A Python implementation of Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering algorithm, based on the Janruang and Guha's paper "Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering" https://www.cs.ait.ac.th/~guha/papers/semSufTreeClus.pdf

The distinctive methodology of the Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering (SSTC) algorithm is that it simultaneously constructs the semantic suffix tree through an on-depth and on-breadth pass by using semantic similarity and string matching. SSTC uses only subject-verb-object classification to generate clusters and readable labels.

SSTC can cluster documents that share a semantic similarity. Specific cluster are returned in a readable form. Additionally, the SSTC can improve the performance of approaches that use the original STC algorithm because it can cluster semantically similar documents, reduce the number of nodes and reach higher precision.

SSTC has 3 main phases:

  1. Preprocessing and constructing semantic suffixtree
  2. Tree pruning, the process to reduce the number of nodes on-depth and sub-trees on-breadth while still retaining the concept or meaning of each node and sub-tree.
  3. Identifying clusters

This implementation is available to Indonesian language only.


Need installation of this library first.

  • anytree - The Python tree data library


from clustering.semanticsuffixtreeclustering import SemanticSuffixTreeClustering

documents = ["alat pernapasan", "alat peredaran darah", "alat pencernaan"]
sstc = SemanticSuffixTreeClustering(documents)


print "\nCluster:"
for c in sstc.get_clusters():
    print "%s : %s" % (c.label, "; ".join([str(cd) for cd in c.documents]))

Postagger Modul

The postagger modul used in this project is from