
Nginx and phpfpm as a Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another Docker image with Nginx and phpfpm. The reasons for this are:

  • I'm not very happy with images using supervisord (see section "Explaining run.sh").
  • I want the logs be written to stdout and stderr.
  • I run this container behind a load balancer, that takes care of HTTPS. Therefore I only need to expose port 80.

I wanted to create a very barebones image, that can act as a starting point for actual web applications (ownCloud, WordPress, you name it).


As described before, this image should be understood as a starting point for images that provide web applications and is (mainly because of the limited PHP modules) not very useful to be run on its own.

You can however run it like so

docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /path/to/php-files:/var/www dinkel/ngnix-phpfpm

Usage as starting point

The intended way to use this image is as the first line in a Dockerfile:

FROM dinkel/nginx-phpfpm

If necessary you can rewrite the default file if you have sepcial needs for the http server definition. I updated the original fastcgi-php.conf snippet, so that in the server block of the nginx definition you only need to include this snippet and all PHP FastCGI forwarding is handeled for you (i.e. no need to deal with the special location definition for PHP scripts.

Configuration (environment variables)

None at the moment.

Data persistence

I have long thought about having a VOLUME ["/var/www/"] directive inside the Dockerfile, but decided against, because the image should not be used standalone but as an intermediary image. Therefore I did not want to dictate a web root (although I still think that one shouldn't move away from /var/www).

Explaining run.sh

This is a poor man's supervisord. It is my strong (but not so much challenged) belief, that there shouldn't be yet another process manager (Docker has one, CoreOS has one (with fleet and systemd).

The only thing this script does is watching its forked (background) processes and as soon as one dies.