
Sample App which uses Fyber API to show stuff

Primary LanguageRuby


The FYBER_API_KEY is to be added to the newly created .env file in the root folder


Please have a look at config/initializers/fyber.rb to understand the configuration.

The application does not intend to have a Database running and therefore the initialization does not have rails/all. But as Heroku requires pg as a dependency, we need to add this to the Gemfile

  • Considerations when developing

The awesome Grape API Framework was used for the api side.

A single API class was written and the Fyber::Offer was mounted.

Grape::Entity is used for the Presenters as the fyber_api_wrapper returns us results in a Ruby way. These presenters takes the good parts of the hashes.

Rspec was used in testing (controller and request spec). Mocking was done using webmock.

A bunch of simple JavaScript files were used to access the api from the localhost which goes through the gem to access the Fyber API.

Other Facts

  • Ruby version : 2.1.2

  • System dependencies : None

  • Configuration : Just the set up for the FyberApiWrapper

  • Database creation : Not required

  • Database initialization : Not Required

  • How to run the test suite : run rake

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) : None

  • Deployment instructions : Heroku just do a git push heroku master after adding the git repo